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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. So it looks like a first accumulating snow for some of you. That's great! It may be chilly out here right now, but at least I don't have to deal with that...for now.
  2. And this is where I'd start to panic when I was back there.
  3. If my wife wouldn't have waited until the last minute to get her new photo license, I might have gotten a chance to meet you. We planned on going down there after she was done at the DMV, but they had a computer crash, and we spent most of the day sitting there waiting for it to come back online.
  4. Yup. It's totally crazy how they vote count out here.
  5. It could have been. Those were my party years, and I didn't pay as close attention. It certainly could have been 6-8. All I know was it was the earliest major snowstorm up to that point.
  6. The sun is breaking through our clouds as well...
  7. I lived in Bethlehem and I thought we got about 6 from that storm.
  8. For what rain from this storm or snow next week?
  9. That storm, in Allentown, started out as a cold rain, then flipped to snow and we got walloped. I don't remember the total, though.
  10. And it's only 57 here at 10am. Tamaqua is 72.
  11. On the Phillies, I feel the same way. No one really expected them to make the post season, especially before Girardi was fired. The fact that, even if they don't win it all, they grinded their way to a World Series appearance, makes this season a resounding success.
  12. 62 in Tamaqua and 43 here in Phoenix. Something went terribly wrong...
  13. lol...I knew you were. That's why I love our group. We all accept each other's flaws and strengths, gripes and celebrations, and have a general respect for one another, no matter what our weather preferences, political leanings, or backgrounds. I'd gladly have dinner and a beer (or few) with each and every one of you.
  14. Thanks for trying...lol, but I did know the rounding up (or down) of temperatures. It sucks though when a record could be broken, but isn't due to the tenths.
  15. So officially my low was 40, but in a technical sense, we dipped into the 30s with a 39.7 low this morning.
  16. 42 this morning here at the Sun City abode, and since its only 4:30, it MAY dip into 30's yet. These are January temps, so it's unseasonably cold right now.
  17. I-40 stopped dead in Flagstaff earlier today when I was up there. Fun times...not...lol
  18. Haha...NWS Flagstaff addresses the "how much for Philly" crowd this morning...
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