You guys are both right. 100+ in the shade when it's super dry feels much better than even say 88 with a 72 dewpoint. Once the monsoon hits, it's a different story.
While it doesn't happen everyday, you can get days where it's 108 with a 65-70 dewpoint, and then it gets brutal.
These two posts get a response of instead of just a reaction.
Beginning Monday, and lasting for at least a week and a half, our highs will likely meet and exceed 110.
And this is part of why it got so chilly. Talk about dry air. It was perfect conditions for some insane radiational cooling. The humidity just after sunset was 2% and the dewpoint was -8.
I get up, get my morning coffee, go sit outside on the patio, and was shocked at how chilly it felt. Looked at the two closest PW stations, and holy crap...
It's 58 late Phoenix, AZ!
Just a randumb thought this afternoon. Our last rain here in AZ was on March 21st. That means we went the entire astronomical Spring season without a drop of rain...
Yup. For now.
In a month and a half I have to choose between staying with the trucking company on a different account, or staying on the dedicated account with a different trucking company as we were underbid and are losing the account.