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Posts posted by Voyager

  1. 1 hour ago, maytownpawx said:

    Saw the heat index at the Patriots-Jags game Sunday was 107. Can you imagine watching football in that?

    Can you imagine PLAYING football in that???

    On to the local weather. Rain is falling once again, and we are now up to 2.46" for the event which is in the ballpark of what "some" of the models were pointing out. Considering the flood warnings and advisories, I suspect some got more, but still, I was kind of expecting about an inch and a half, so we did ok for a change...

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, pasnownut said:

    Looking like a nothin burger over this way.  Was suspicious of it this morning and i think so far it may just be the right suspicion.  Latest HRR 3k blend of total precip still looks like 2" for much of the susuqu valley but if the radar is any indication, i dont see that happening.

    Man...I'm starting to sound like another poster from the land of Yuengling......


    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, canderson said:

    That's good to hear. Hope your driving stuff works out OK, was sad to hear the hours were so few. 

    Yeah. It was feast or famine, but mostly famine. I had one four day work week, and the rest were two or three. Can't earn a living that way. Relying on the general public to book charters is risky business. 

    Hauling freight has some slow times, bit is still more consistent.

    Now for some weather to keep on topic. Looking at my CTP forecast, Sunday appears to be the only nice day for awhile as clouds and showers return next Monday for most of next week.

  4. I knew you guys were. How could you not resist considering how much I complain? :lol:

    As for me, I'm feeling much better. Still sore sometimes, but my overall health feels much better. Who knew how bad an overactive thyroid could make you feel? I sure didn't. I'm sleeping better, I have a crazy appetite right now, and I feel less tired and more energetic.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, maytownpawx said:

    Well if you have over 52" on the year them stars are aligning a lot...:)


    1 hour ago, pasnownut said:

    Was thinking the same thing.  He's the best misser i know.

    Voyager should change his name to Copernicus.

    Onto the next miss........

    What we miss on is the exciting rains and events. Since the rainy season started on July 21st. many areas have had out and out deluges. We, on the other hand, were mostly on the moderate side. Duration, and not intensity is what got my location to where it is.

    I'd rather an intense deluge than a long, drawn out, dismal event.

  6. 1 hour ago, TheDreamTraveler said:

    If Florence stalls out and dies in north carolina and virginia then we probably won't see too much rain from it I'd think. Couldn't imagine what would happen if it came up here after getting all of this rain from gordon ontop of the record rain we've had all year and all summer.

    I just looked at this mornings Euro and GFS.

    The Euro gets Florence's precip right to the Mason-Dixon Line, hammers Virginia with 15-25 inches, and then shuts it off, and the GFS, well...it's out to lunch as it keeps all the rain offshore, with a whopping 95 inches out over the open Atlantic...

  7. 47 minutes ago, Blizzard of 93 said:

    It’s great to see the Fall thread underway!

    The cool temperatures this weekend are a welcome relief from the 90’s that we had to endure this past week.

    The rain this weekend from Gordon’s remnants, followed possibly from the impacts of Florence later next week could be a massive problem for Central PA.


    For some, maybe.

    My area? I know better. We will miss a good chunk of Gordon's remnants to the west and north, and Florence's will never get here.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cashtown_Coop said:

    I’ve had 4” at golf course in Fairfield last night / this morn.   Still closed.   Not looking good 

    And to think, I gotten a whopping 0.00" so far. For some reason, Tamaqua is known as the "Land of the Running Water", but I'm not sure why. Whenever we have a precipitation event, we are one of the areas with the LOWEST totals. Perhaps what they meant was that the water "runs away" from Tamaqua...

  9. 12 hours ago, Wmsptwx said:

    Good Luck Steve, need my fellow warm bro healthy for long time to come!

    Thanks! Been out of surgery for about 4 hours now, and sure am sore in the front throat area, especially swallowing. They are keeping me overnight for observation, but have said I'm doing good!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, canderson said:

    Two things:

    1) our friend Steve (@Voyager) is having thyroid surgery tomorrow. He could use good thoughts.

    2) Might want to keep an eye on Florence in the Atlantic. Got a bad feeling about her,.

    Just saw this. Thanks! :)

    As for Florence, I'd think her high latitude is going to make things interesting. She's way north (23.4n vs <20n) of where she should be to be a legitimate threat. But if there's one thing we learned this past year or so is that what should happen (re-curve and a fish storm) may not be the actual end result. Still a long way out, but the WAR has been a major player this spring and summer, and she could just keep heading toward the coast under the right conditions.

  11. Today's 12z GFS is further NW. We get a rainstorm book ended with bitter cold, not even a decent front end dump. :axe: If that is what happens I'll be in line with those begging for the pattern to break down even if it means an end to winter. This has been one of the most frustrating winters in awhile. At least the mild ones you know you don't have much of a chance. It's getting towards the time in the year that these little 1-2 inch deals aren't that enjoyable, although the squall was awesome. With the sun it just melts or sublimates away.

    And as it turns out, it wasn't warmth and rain we had to worry about...

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