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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Heat wave here. It's +6f as opposed to the +2f I had yesterday morning...
  2. I almost lost my car in Easton, PA during that flooding event. My dad and I went down and parked at the park on Larry Holmes Drive near where the Lehigh flows into the Delaware. An ice jam formed down stream and the river rose incredibly fast. I ran back to my car and got it out just in time as the waters engulfed and inundated the lot in mere minutes. Never seen anything like it in my life.
  3. +2f this morniing here in Tamaqua. Who made it below zero overnight?
  4. Was out with dog and the whole neighborhood sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies. All the ice is snap, crackel, and popping...lol
  5. What sun? We have had flurries and squalls ever since the front went through. It's damn cold already too...
  6. Winds picked up about 45 minutes ago and we had a quick little snow squall to go along with it. It was too warm to stick at that point, but you could literally feel the cold pouring into the area. Got all the shoveling and plowing done. Now to watch it all freeze solid.
  7. I'm up to 1.92" for the storm, but the USGS automated gauge a half mile or so from the house is showing 1.42". Someone (me or them) is off as the difference shouldn't be that large in such a short distance.
  8. Morning obs from Tamaqua: It's still raining and the temp is up to 40 degrees here. I almost wish we'd have made it into the 50's. Why? Because so far, my 2.5" of snow from last night has melted and compacted down to one inch of slush and slop. If it were warmer, I may not have to go out and attempt to remove this stuff, which must be done early and soon, before it freezes into a rock. So far, I have gotten 1.49" of precipitation (snow, sleet, and rain) from the system. I do wish it would have been cold enough to stay powder instead of what is curretnly out there. It would have been a great event if it had...
  9. Have some freezing rain mixed with the sleet as I notice ice forming on our power lines. 2.75" of frozen for the event at the current time. 2.5" snow and 0.25" sleet.
  10. Taint here in Tamaqua. About 70/30 sleet/snow now. Just measured 2.5" in the backyard. Hopefully I got it before any compaction. Once that line started moving, it moved fast... Surface temp back up to 34 as well, so it appears that freezing rain won't be an issue.
  11. If I ever get the rates, maybe I can pad as well. Look at my post above. Schuylkill County seems to suck the moisture right out of the storm...
  12. One inch so far here in Tamaqua with light/moderate snow. Still wonder why in almost every snow event that the radar always looks weaker over Schuylkill County than in other surrounding locations.
  13. When I saw the HRRR taking plain rain all the way up to Binghamton, I just kind of knew we were pretty much done, and the big numbers thrown around weren't going to happen.
  14. The onset of precipitation has been spotty at best and the radar looks pathetic at the moment. And to think, a lot of us (myself included) were expecting this to come in like a wall of white. Quite an amazing turn around from the past few days.
  15. Out light snow stopped 20 minutes after it started...lol
  16. This is a good analysis. I was thinking along those lines, myself. The main slug of precipitation is still out in West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky.
  17. Nope. Ended up with about a half inch to three quarter inch.
  18. I see that. They dropped them for Schuyllkill County as well. If this ends up being the final result then this really turns into a non-event. We've done better in moisture starved clippers...lol * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches, with with areas of sleet and freezing rain. Ice accumulations of a tenth of an inch or less expected.
  19. Snow has begun in Tamaqua. Temp holding at 33 degrees for now...
  20. Nothing here yet, but the temp did drop to 33, and the overcast is thicker because it got notably darker in the past half hour. Per radar it looks like it shouldn't be much longer...
  21. Nothing here yet, but returns seem to be, per radar, breaking out in "blotches" as opposed to just moving in from west to east.
  22. Overcast and 34 here and honestly don't know what to expect out of this one...
  23. Those areas are Philly/Mt Holly, so not sure. I think they were at 6-8 at one point yesterday for Allentown. I'm in the State College CWA, and a lot of us in our sub-forum felt that they were being extremely bullish with their forecasts despite most of the models showing otherwise. FWIW, this morning, I am already sitting at 33 degrees up here in the coal region between Allentown and Scranton.
  24. Ha. Then I see State College wasn't the only one going big on this one when perhaps they shouldn't have. Even as late as last night, they had the 8-12 inch gradient running through Harrisburg, PA to just north of Allentown, PA which many thought was considerably overdone. Turns out we might have been right as they have backed off considerably with this morning's new forecasts and updates.
  25. Yes it can. We've had 24 hours of "pixie dust" up here in Tamaqua that, when all was said and done, was about 1-2 inches. The snow that day was equivelent to a light drizzle, both in intensity and visual impairment.
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