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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. I would have thought all those crazy wind days would have blown it right off the coast and into the Atlantic...
  2. Kind of ironic that the below normal regime coincided perfectly with the Coronavirus lockdown. Makes a depressing time that much more depressing. With nowhere to go, warmer weather would have been nice for getting out in the yard, taking a walk, etc, but nope. Now it got cold.
  3. And Schuylkill County has a 200 per 100,000 rate right now. It's going to be quite awhile before it's go time for us. Wow...
  4. 40 degrees and windy at noontime on April 22nd straight up blows chunks. 'nuff said...
  5. And summer is September and October. It seems as if the seasons have been shoved 2 months behind. At least it's 30 this morning here and not 25 like it was last week.
  6. I'm enjoying the pics so far. This time of year, snow looks so much better in SOMEONE ELSE'S backyard than my own...
  7. 37 and rain. I can't imagine a worse mid-April evening than this one...
  8. 38F with white rain here in Tamaqua for the past couple of hours now...
  9. I'm still running my heat. Of course it's oil, so it's temperature driven, but I like my house 70 degrees inside, so if it's colder than that, it's going to run...
  10. I get it. I'd just hate see our forum end up resembling the political forum.
  11. Please guys. Don't let this virus ruin the great camaraderie we have on this forum.
  12. That would be a nice boost, but I doubt it too, and until I see the supposed $600/week unemployment suppliment the feds promised, I'm going to doubt that as well.
  13. All the bolded (and then some) are the very businesses essential to a bus company's survival. I've got quite an uncertain long term future ahead of me. Unless I can get back into trucking, which, with each passing day, is getting more difficult due to the insurance companies' experience criteria, I may be a part (or no) timer for quite awhile...
  14. Mid May could be doable, but probably on a limited basis. Theme parks, theaters, and any other large gathering places maybe not so much. I'm still afraid of opening up to soon and then having to shut it right back down again because the virus came back with a vengeance...
  15. After Sunday night, masks will not be an option in PA, but a requirement. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2020/04/pa-will-now-require-most-customers-to-wear-masks-workers-to-wear-them-on-the-job-to-slow-covid-19-spread.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=pennlive_sf&fbclid=IwAR14yfCANYhBwDOTvEKoBeFeTzhDr_Bek8gBivkevkBQnjOiHglbBmPw7VA
  16. Didn't a lot of us mention that once we got into April we'd see the pattern flip and "winter" would finally hit? Well, here we are...
  17. Without proper testing, the numbers will be, if not already, artificially skewed. If you don't test, you can't record the positives. If you can't record the positives, they don't get included into the state and county tallies, nor do they get reported to the CDC. If you can't record s positive, you can't record a death as Covid related. So by not testing, the positive cases are artificially lower than what they would (or should) be.
  18. Pre-frontal winds were a big nothingburger here, but we did get 2.22" of rain, which looks to preyy much be our final tally for the event.
  19. Aren't you guys west of the front/convection, or is there more to go yet? Radar to the southwest of the capital region looks rather weak...
  20. We may be under the watch here, but I highly doubt we see any severe up this way. We really never had a break from the rain, no wind whatsoever, a solid overcast, and what just seems to be a fairly stable atmosphere. I'd be willing to bet that any severe probably stays south of the turnpike.
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