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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. That's jaw dropping. I just looked back at the USGS automated gauge, and we've had about 14.25" since May 1.
  2. As of now .89". Not sure if anything else pivots through, though. The haves vs have nots is remarkable. I have 7.19" for the month of July, and I'm guessing from the discussion here that some don't have an inch yet?
  3. It's interesting that wind is almost non-existent here in Tamaqua proper, but 200' higher on the ridge tops I can see the trees swaying. One thing about my location is the wind shelter from ridges on 3 sides near my neighborhood. Even in Sandy, while the ridges literally roared like a lion, she just meowed like a housecat down here on the town floor. Rain is still steady with .43" in the gauge so far.
  4. Yes. Up to .30" so far. Nothing like the deluge that we had on Wednesday, but it's been a steady rainer since it started.
  5. Light rain commenced here a few minutes ago. Not enough to put anything in the gauge yet, though. The HRRR has gotten a bit more robust with getting a decent amount of rain back into the Skook, and initial radar trends seem to back that up, but we'll just have to wait and see...
  6. It's an Acu-Rite all in one. I got it back in 2012, so they make a nice, newer, more technically advanced set-up these days that's fairly reasonable in price. https://www.acurite.com/shop-all/weather-instruments/weather-stations.html
  7. I can't seem to get a good grip on what this potential tropical system is going to do. The NAM seems to want to keep it east of the Delaware river now, while the GFS now is bringing decent rains into Eastern PA. The Euro from 0z looks like the NAM and the Canadians were always OTS.
  8. More rain. I'll have an updated "total" when I get back in the house...
  9. We just got another 1.50" of rain today. I guess from here on out I better shut up about the Tamaqua Split...
  10. Had one last little burst that put us up to 2.82" for the event. Both storms that got us formed nearly right over Tamaqua, and just kept building. Each one produced hail, but the second one was more intense than the first and produced the larger sized stones pictured, as well as wind that brought down a few large tree limbs. There was about a half hour lull between the storms. The USGS automated gauge shows slightly more at almost exactly 3 inches...
  11. Had a pre-line storm form right over Tamaqua which split the line up in Hazleton. Now we'll be in the gap in that line created by the out front renegade.
  12. Bring on the heat! It ain't summer without it... But we here in the east have been wetter than other parts of the sub forum. What we lose in temperature we may gain in humidity.
  13. Had what looked like a nice cell taking direct aim at us from the Bloomsburg area only to hit I-81 and nearly disintigrate. It reformed southeast of town and looks to soak West Penn Township and the Blue Mountain.
  14. Just finished off a good rain storm. Not much wind and no thunder, but touched 6" per hour rates. Got 0.86" out of it in a very brief time.
  15. Ended up with 0.35" overnight. A more organized cluster came up from Pine Grove after I went to bed and gave us some rain and a few rumbles of thunder.
  16. Thought we were going to get a good storm as there was a line moving northeast from the Pine Grove/Tower City area toward Pottsville. As it got close, a rogue cell moved north from Kutztown up to Parryville and exploded east of Lehighton, which robbed the line to my west of most of it's energy. The Tamaqua Split® is still in effect...lol
  17. For as long as I can remember. I spent more July fourths on the patio or in the house as opposed to a pool or lake. Have to add that it picked a fine week to NOT rain here. My step daughter and family are down in OCMD for vacation and I have flower and garden watering detail. Dummy me forgot about her hanging strawberry pot on Sunday and Monday morning. I hit it with water last night and just now, but it's drooping pretty good so I hope it comes back by the weekend...
  18. My radar app shows a 6 hour loop and it's amazing to watch that line advance and then totally dry up...
  19. I got nothing but a few raindrops yesterday. Storms fired just southeast of me. In fact, one of my wife's friends posted pics of some storm damage south of Lehighton near the Blue Mountain on PA-895.
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