I don't. I know all about that stuff. It tastes good, but is one hell of a stone producer.
As for the storm, so far as I type this 1.65" in the gauge with what Id guess to be about 15-25mph gusts. Currently raining at about 3/10 inch per hour rate. I'm guessing the totals of 2-3 inches will end up being about right.
My neighbor's son (who is in Oak Island, NC) got back to me and said it was at first it was ok, but once they got into the eyewall, it got crazy. They were surrounded by tornadoes, the dunes failed, and they had water under the (stilted) house a block or so beyond them. Officially, Oak Island had a 91mph gust, but he told me it seemed like some were up over 100mph. He said 11pm to midnight was the worst, which was when they were in the right front quadrant. I'm guessing winds were probably sustained, during that time, at 70+ mph.