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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Obviously subject to change, but as depicted, I'd see some insane rates during the height of the storm.
  2. Anything can happen, but it's quite intriguing that so many of the models are showing similar solutions.
  3. GFS seems to be trending toward the EURO scenario on this run.
  4. Everyone seems pretty bullish on this one. DT, the NWS, and even normally conservative WNEP up in Scranton. Not that it can't fall apart, but there's pretty good model AND forecast support to argue against a whiff.
  5. I know...it's a long ways off, but could this be the one??? I'm not in a truck yet, so if it's to happen, now would be a great time for it, and it even perhaps keeps the ground white for what would otherwise be a dark Christmas this year.
  6. Now that Wolf has tested positive, I can certainly see an unprecedented shutdown coming. Christmas and New Years will be ruined. Enjoy your civil liberties while you still can because I don't think they're going to last much longer. As for the weather, we got about an inch of snow today...
  7. I'm right on the edge of the precipitation shield. So far 0.14" in the gauge, but I'd be willing to bet once I got north of Hazleton the ground is dry as a bone...
  8. Since Hurricane Isaias it seemed as if most major events hit SEPA up to the Lehigh Valley. I wonder if that is going to be the predominant pattern through the winter.
  9. Fixed it for you...lol 40 and rain feels infinitely colder than 25 and snow most of the time.
  10. Ha...anything generally east of the Hudson is game on with that run. Just to let everyone know, I've been cleared for work, so let the job hunt begin.
  11. Yikes... At least I'm still off work. Even if I get cleared by the doc tomorrow, I won't be back in a truck that quickly.
  12. Got another squall overnight. Looks to be about a half inch on the cars and grass.
  13. Got a coating on cars, house roofs, and some stickage on the grass blades in the yard here. Anyone else east of the big river seeing any kind of accumulation?
  14. I may not like winter, but I still hate trampled snow. I want it to be pristine after it falls. So much so that I actually hate putting the dog out after a snowfall. OMG...I think I just admitted that I'm a closet snow weenie...
  15. Sorry, I couldn't resist laughing at your logic, but hey, I get it. When I did love snow, it wasn't a real snow unless the grass was completely covered. I still mow it low once we get later into the fall, but that's to keep the top growth down to minimize winter damage to the grass.
  16. How do you clear snow off of a Colorado steam tourist railroad in the Rocky Mountains? With steam of course...
  17. Thanks. It's been a rough bunch of months I tell ya. I can't wait to be able to earn a paycheck and feel like a valuable member of society again.
  18. You all should hope my surgeon clears me to go back to work when I see him again on 12/3. With my luck the way it is, almost every time I start a new job during the winter months, we get a snowstorm on my first day in the truck....
  19. Definitely the wintriest feeling day so far this season. Only got up to 34 today along with a "strong breeze".
  20. Same here. A heavy burst of rain with a little wind, but nothing spectacular.
  21. One year ago this morning while I was picking up a church group in Mountain Top...
  22. That would work. He could turn on the red, spinning lights and get me home quickly...lol
  23. NAPA Transportation out of Mechanicsburg is interested, but I'm going to look at some others as well. I don't have a good place to park a truck, so I'd like to find one with a terminal closer in if possible.
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