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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Watching this... Because of this. Big truck (not the oversize) brought wires and a pole down on PA 100.
  2. Yeah, this forum is usually dead this time of year.
  3. Speaking of cicadas, the Hazleton area is infested with them, yet nothing in my neighborhood. I even had one land on my neck while I was loading my water... Then this guy showed up on the spring house wall...
  4. Flood advisories here in Allentown, and back home in Tamaqua? A paltry 0.01" of rain. I swear I live in the boringest, most benign weather location in Pennsylvania. Even in Hurricane Sandy I only had a 23 mph gust and about an inch of rain. Snowstorms, hahaha...nada chance.
  5. I wouldn't necessarily mind those temps if it weren't for the shower chances each day.
  6. 93 (92.7) here at 4:00pm. Hottest day of the year so far.
  7. Changed the post as it bumped up to 91.8 at some point in the past few minutes.
  8. Got my first 90 today with the new station. Looks like, for now, I'll top out at 91.8°F.
  9. So what happens in the next game after the Phillies score 17 runs on 18 hits and 7 homeruns. Yup, same old same old. One run on 6 hits... https://www.mlb.com/phillies/news/zack-wheeler-gets-little-run-support-in-loss-to-nationals
  10. We barely have enough room to park the trucks when everyone is in, so no wash rack. We have a pressure washer, but you still need soap and a brush to do it right. As for the bolded, yes I'm kidding...
  11. Nothing showing on radar yet, but it has that "look" in Sunbury...
  12. Too many rain chances. Tired of spending 3 hours washing my tractor trailer (boss sort of requires it) for barely one day of clean before it gets crapped up again. I really should live in the desert with my warm and dry preferences, but unless I want a divorce (getting close to considering it) I can't move.
  13. Not unlike their winning streaks. The can rattle off 8 in a row only to lose the next 10 and be worse off than when they started...
  14. I saw the damage from that one last week. It's on my route from Tower City to Sunbury. I'll be driving through there today as well.
  15. I wish I could remember the exact year. Has to be at least 5-10 years ago.
  16. Maybe for you, but a few years back we had frost on Memorial Day morning up here in the Skook. It warmed up quickly, but it was cold at first light.
  17. You may be right about Lancaster County. It appeared that areas south and east of me did get even more rain than I did... At any rate, the past three days for me went like this... 5/28 - 1.30" 5/29 - 0.63" 5/30 - 0.19" Total - 2.12"
  18. I'm at .17" today and 2.08" for the event since Friday. As for the rain holding down temps, nope. I'm at 51.8° right now as opposed to yesterday's high of 49.6°.
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