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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. I'm watching... I need to move back to AZ asap.
  2. She may go warmer today. it's already 110 at 11:30am out there.
  3. I'll gladly go if you don't want to... Yesterday it was 118 at my mom's house in Sun City, AZ.
  4. Only got a tenth of an inch out of it, but it produced a nice rainbow.
  5. Still sitting in Allentown (3 hour wait to unload) but that looks like it has eyes for Tamaqua.
  6. The line looked like it meant business approaching Bloomsburg, but by the time it got to Tamaqua, well...you all know my story.
  7. What's a thunderboomer? We haven't had one of those this year yet, so I know not of what you speak...
  8. We're still socked in at 1:20pm, so I don't know. The sun TRIED to pop out at my grandson's baseball game but it was just brief couple minutes.
  9. I'm not betting on anything severe though. We have the usual lead gray, solid overcast here this morning. Seems like any time we have strong to severe potential we battle with overcast and cool (68 degree) weather. If it weren't for green vegetation, it would look like a snow day...
  10. My point and click forecast... Wednesday Night Mostly clear, with a low around 49.
  11. I believe it is. It was, but I used to deliver new tires to distributors and tire and auto shops at that time, and I did the unloading. Let me tell you, it was brutal in that trailer...
  12. Hottest for me was 128 at Bullhead City, AZ back in the late 90's when I lived in Phoenix.
  13. Yeah, I heard it was bad over that way. I saw some of the effects (a muddy road from farm field flow-off) on PA895 west of New Ringgold heading toward PA61 yesterday morning. I didn't get one drop of rain from that, or any other storm, that afternoon/evening.
  14. Trying to sneak up on the one inch total with 0.87" now.
  15. 0.65" here. I really wasn't expecting this much after seeing CTP's Facebook graphics the past two days.
  16. But what if you were on the outside looking in?
  17. Oh so close, yet not one single drop at my house...
  18. Watching this... Because of this. Big truck (not the oversize) brought wires and a pole down on PA 100.
  19. Yeah, this forum is usually dead this time of year.
  20. Speaking of cicadas, the Hazleton area is infested with them, yet nothing in my neighborhood. I even had one land on my neck while I was loading my water... Then this guy showed up on the spring house wall...
  21. Flood advisories here in Allentown, and back home in Tamaqua? A paltry 0.01" of rain. I swear I live in the boringest, most benign weather location in Pennsylvania. Even in Hurricane Sandy I only had a 23 mph gust and about an inch of rain. Snowstorms, hahaha...nada chance.
  22. I wouldn't necessarily mind those temps if it weren't for the shower chances each day.
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