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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Temp is dropping like a rock. Down to 43.9 now... Link below is my station dashboard. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fambientweather.net%2Fdashboard%2F1d90dcf911658e0f498d76311634d5ba%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2XO12o6gm74B5uaA4hArab0EYp26nGMKikw9zke59M26BOUHahvYWPmXE&h=AT0AEDAH_wnFlEQo4An-HLX5dtj0-24ZZco_pTkMcHUpieW9xMUPtNjVCBcAJyAEsJmODThKCpxptijhK0KXUilOkRENo4n3b2EXOl0Ouut2pm1UOdlq-aLuAbSDxddjkrg
  2. I guess maybe the wind will move east later on, but it's so crazy calm here right now. As for Canderson's "seasonal adjustment", I do believe hes onto something. Octobers do seem to be much warmer than when I was a kid, and the same with May being colder and wetter.
  3. I used to like you... Anyway, 44.8f and 0.06" in the gauge on my new station. Winds are very light here, though. Not even the leaves on the trees are moving.
  4. All of the wind we've had this year so far, and the night I install my new weather station it's as calm as it can get. There is NO wind, or even the SLIGHTEST of breezes to move the cups. The only other thing is that I can't get my barometric pressure to read on my display. Not sure if the sensor is even working at this point. For anyone interested, it's an Ambient Weather WS-2000 station.
  5. Once the trees leaf out, I want it to stay warm out. I can give April a push as other than green grass most of the woody plants are bare.
  6. It sure does seem that way as Octobers have been warmer lately. Certainly not as many frost mornings as there used to be.
  7. Again, all I can say is There's a time and place for everything, and, like November/December when it's supposed to be cold, were talking middle/late May. It's supposed to be warm...
  8. Just reading these now, and I'm thinking of asking Randy to add a middle finger emoji...
  9. lol... I can't wear shorts until it's at least 75 degrees.
  10. There once was a time when that was a windy day. Now it's just a gentle breeze...lol
  11. Cool thanks. Either way is fine with me, but if at the end of year I could have it read correct, it'd be great.
  12. Thanks so much for in-depth information. It will be very useful for when the unit arrives. One question, can I set the yearly rainfall total to mach what my old station is showing, or do I need to write it down and add it in at the end of the year for my personal records?
  13. It's early yet, wonder if you get to 60...
  14. I don't know yet. Thinking of putting a 10 ft long, one inch pole in the ground alongside a fence post in the middle of the yard with some zip ties to help keep it more stable. I have a small yard in an urban type location, so it's not quite as open as I'd like.
  15. Well, this event made me bite the bullet and buy a new weather station. I had an Accu-Rite that was pretty good, but the wind sensor never worked right. Today it's showing my my max gust at 18 mph, and even during Sandy only had a gust of 26 mph. I was doubling them to come more in line with other nearby stations, but it's not accurate doing that. But after 10 years, the temp sensor, or I think the fan aspirator had quit working, so my afternoon highs were way off, including a 122 one day last summer when we were actually in the mid 90's. Humidity is backwards too. Reading 99% when it's sunny and 2% when it's raining. Anyway, here's my new present to me... https://ambientweather.com/amws2000.html It has good reviews, so I hope it's accurate and reliable.
  16. That's exactly what I got here.... 0.08" Not enough to be beneficial, but just enough to prevent me from cutting the grass.
  17. What solid, soaking rain? Not here. We didn't even get a tenth of an inch, and that includes yesterday. I guess you guys got more down that way?
  18. Thanks for the replies, guys. Like I said, I wasn't trolling, just trying to understand. I guess living in an urban environment (even though Tamaqua is small, it looks like a ghetto) and driving down the road, I don't see some of the good parts. I just know that, to me anyway, seeing a green, colorful landscape is more enjoyable than the grays, browns, and whites of winter.
  19. I know that differing likes and opinions are what makes the world great, and it would be dull if everyone was the same, but I just can't fathom the love of winter. I get not liking high heat and humidity, but what's not to like about 75 degree days and a green, living, vibrant landscape? What is so enduring about winter that you guys like trees that look like dead skeletons, brown dead looking grass, a monotone and dull landscape, sunsets at 4:30pm, and air that makes you shiver and shake? I'm not trolling with this post, I'm just trying to understand.
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