Well, this event made me bite the bullet and buy a new weather station. I had an Accu-Rite that was pretty good, but the wind sensor never worked right. Today it's showing my my max gust at 18 mph, and even during Sandy only had a gust of 26 mph. I was doubling them to come more in line with other nearby stations, but it's not accurate doing that. But after 10 years, the temp sensor, or I think the fan aspirator had quit working, so my afternoon highs were way off, including a 122 one day last summer when we were actually in the mid 90's. Humidity is backwards too. Reading 99% when it's sunny and 2% when it's raining.
Anyway, here's my new present to me... https://ambientweather.com/amws2000.html
It has good reviews, so I hope it's accurate and reliable.