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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. They might be all summer. Saturday we're busy with our oldest grandson, though. He made the Schuylkill County baseball all star team and has two games. One at 8am and one at 1pm.
  2. They might be running steam all summer. And I love the steam engine and would certainly ride the train. Saturday we're busy with our oldest grandson, though. He made the Schuylkill County baseball all star team and has two games. One at 8am and one at 1pm.
  3. Next time you head to Jim Thorpe and it's a weekend, let me know. I only live about 20 minutes from there. We could meet up and have lunch somewhere.
  4. But it is dark to my southwest and it did start to rain here.
  5. Hey now. No one in this forum lives in Pottsville...
  6. Everything tonight is missing me to the northwest.
  7. I go through Pillow three times on Thursday and Friday and once on Monday. Every week. I take spring water to Weis from Tower City.
  8. No but I know a good one from the surgery I had last year...lol
  9. It went up? It's chilly (by my standards anyway) now here. We're down to 65 now. How's the fireworks out your way? It's like the bombing of Baghdad over here in Tamaqua.
  10. I'll bet it does. Thankfully, it's rare to get large hail here. We did have golf to tennis ball sized hail back in 2011, though. Here's a pic from my backyard...
  11. Finally had a decent storm. Heaviest just missed Tamaqua, but still, according to the wife, the best one all year. I drove through the worst of it and had some hail pinging the Jeep. Not exactly the sound you want to hear when you just bought it a week ago. It sure was a blinding rain with muddy road flooding, though. Got 0.51" in short order in my gauge.
  12. Hope that makes it to Tamaqua, but the realty is that it probably won't. Something will chew it apart before it gets here.
  13. AccuWx's future radar blows a storm up to my southeast that absolutely nails my work terminal/garage around 7pm or so... We shall see.
  14. Awesome. My 96.8 (97) stands for today. Warned storms to my north and developing ones to my northwest should give us at least an outflow boundry to cool it off some.
  15. 97 in my backyard again today. Need three more degrees, but I doubt I get it.
  16. Those of us warmanistas could say the same when it comes to polar blasts in the winter when my furnace almost never shuts off...
  17. From the Eastern Region HQ... US National Weather Service Eastern Region HQ For the 3rd day in a row Lytton, British Columbia has set a new record high temperature for all of Canada. Data is preliminary, but at 4 pm PDT, Lytton was 49.4C (and up to 49.5 at 420 pm PDT), or 121F. This is 4.5C or 8F higher than the record that had stood for nearly 84 years.
  18. Missed the air temp century mark by three, but I crushed it with the heat index. Air temp high was 97 and the heat index high was 107.
  19. Thanks, but a hollow victory. I don't get three-day holiday weekends. The plant I haul into is 24/364, so on my Monday-Friday schedule I work regardless. BTW...if it doesn't spike my high today will be 97.
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