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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Holy moley!!! As for the tankers, yes, I've seen the Papetti trucks around. I also knew Michael Foods was near there. Indian River Transport goes in there I guess from time to time.
  2. Coldest morning of the winter (so far) here today. Currently 12 degrees outside.
  3. Bottled water is the "in thing" I suppose. Gives me a paycheck though.
  4. Water is big business. We pull anywhere from 75,000 to 100,000 gallons per day out of some of the springs (wells)...
  5. Oh don't get me started on hoses...lol. Let's just say the one in Hazleton is hard all winter long... Seriously though, that one is a real PITA, and is the one location I hate loading out of because the hose is stored outside, so it freezes, and it's like trying to bend a steel pipe when hooking it up to the trailer.
  6. If it's down near zero, all it takes is an hour for the valve to freeze up. Then we need to heat it with a torch just to open it. Even the outlet pipe cap will be frozen on. At 20 degrees or less, we need to either hit it with a mallet or dead blow hammer, or hit it with the torch as well. If the vent freezes up, and we don't know it, bye bye trailer as it will implode when unloading. Plain and simple, in the summer, water hauling is a great gig. In the winter it kind of sucks...
  7. Yes, I had one before. That one recorded a -12 years ago. Don't think it'll be that cold next week, but with a forecast of +3, who knows. it could dip below zero here.
  8. I was just going to post that I don't think I've ever seen a model map of freezing rain accretion actually verify. It's always much less, at least in my backyard.
  9. No. I got pulled off that run and am delivering by Lehigh Valley Intl Airport. That's just south of Tamaqua.
  10. Change of plans. No going through Pillow to Sunbury. Boss called me as I got to Tamaqua and told me to turn around and do Allentown loads instead.
  11. Eyeballing about 2 inches here since I can't find my tape measure...
  12. As I said, instant cave on the roads... As for those NAM totals...right where I run. I texted my boss and told him probably only two loads instead of three due to road conditions. I didn't get a message back, so I guess he wasn't pleased.
  13. Pixie dust, but steady. Everything is "airbrushed" with white.
  14. I wonder if there'll ever be a time when I can post that...
  15. Nothing in Tamaqua yet, but saw some reports of light snow in Girardville (Mahanoy City area) so it's close.
  16. Thanks. It's going to be a fun ride tomorrow...
  17. I'm supposed to do three loads tomorrow. Deadhead to Tower City, turn three Sunbury's from TC, and then deadhead home from Sunbury. A solid 11+ hour day when it's dry and I can "turn and burn". I don't think three is going to happen tomorrow. How are the roads out there when it snows and then blows and drifts? I'm really concerned about 225 fro E-ville to Berrysburg, but info on 147 would be nice as well, if you know.
  18. Road should cave instantly once it starts here. Temp is 29 currently.
  19. They need to take into consideration where I drive my truck then, too...
  20. Did anyone notice the Tamaqua snow hole on CTP's snowfall map?
  21. If I do this Tower City to Sunbury run tomorrow, I'm going to have to watch for drifting snow I suppose. PA-225 from Elizabethville to past Berrysburg is a lot of open farm land. I think tomorrow's going to be an interesting day depending on how much we get. Guess I'll try to bring the GoPro out and make a video.
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