Matt Taibbi has some very good insights into this sort of corporatist/ political behavior going on now. I blame the SJW leftists for calling for censorship and revisionism. Its gained traction. We didn't see this even a few years ago. This is the stuff that will start revolutions... not the fact that Orange Man Bad was disgracing his own office, and self, and triggered the entire Left into demanding totalitarian speech and thought control. You could laugh at Rump and castigate him on Twitter etc but now...don-t dare oppose the approved narratives. I never thought I'd live to see this sort of chickenshit behavior in this country. But here we are.
And there’s this: the primary "victim" of the GameStop trading, Gabe Plotkin, worked for SAC until the firm pled guilty to insider trading in 2013 and paid $1.8B in fines to the SEC and this week, Plotkin got a 2.75B bailout from his old boss, Steve Cohen, SAC's founder