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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. Exactly, same here. I have 13" depth as of this a.m.
  2. Matt Taibbi has some very good insights into this sort of corporatist/ political behavior going on now. I blame the SJW leftists for calling for censorship and revisionism. Its gained traction. We didn't see this even a few years ago. This is the stuff that will start revolutions... not the fact that Orange Man Bad was disgracing his own office, and self, and triggered the entire Left into demanding totalitarian speech and thought control. You could laugh at Rump and castigate him on Twitter etc but now...don-t dare oppose the approved narratives. I never thought I'd live to see this sort of chickenshit behavior in this country. But here we are. And there’s this: the primary "victim" of the GameStop trading, Gabe Plotkin, worked for SAC until the firm pled guilty to insider trading in 2013 and paid $1.8B in fines to the SEC and this week, Plotkin got a 2.75B bailout from his old boss, Steve Cohen, SAC's founder
  3. Snipped from r/WSB The media is Gaslighting you (Again): The total market cap of $GME is around $12B as I'm writing this. The total market cap of Wall Street is around $50T. That means we've currently displaced about .025% of the total value of the US stock market. I will type that out to reiterate: we (retail traders) have displaced approximately one quarter of one tenth of one percent of the total market cap. To claim that we are doing anything which is tremendously harmful to the whole market is absolutely pants-on-fire lies. Is this going to change some elements of the market moving into the future? Almost certainly. But even if this stock goes to $1000 per share, we are still only talking about less than one tenth of one percent of the total market cap that's out there.
  4. Swing trading is harder than it seems because of just that reason...when to sell. It's a Mix of patience and knowing when to GTFO. Have to have a defined strategy... is this more if a LT play or do I want a hit a single or double over days/weeks with a target in mind? Day trading is gambling and a different mindset.
  5. I do it inside ibankcoin. Here's a Screen u can also use on Finviz. Won't tell you if a Hedge fund is shorting but the % short is a clue.
  6. Watching Fast Money, Grasso made a good point...that these attacks on heavily shorted stocks are essentially scaring the Whales in an already overheated market. It's not just GME. The trading service I'm in has algos that target heavily shorted stocks with the right volume profile and we go after them when they trigger. This has been going on for about 3 months. I think the VIX spike is going to generate some selling in equities. Maybe this is the trigger for a correction.
  7. I boot hilled 2 trades today. Sold FUBO too early at 50 and it went to 56 but made +15% and then the coup d'grace, was GOGO. I should have sold for +23% but didn't...then it reversed completely and now i-m a bag holder on my 2nd lot. FML. Where my bailout? Waaaah.
  8. I have too. I use it as motivation to get back on the horse and not be so dUMb the next time. Always a new opportunity out there...
  9. Sorkin is an elitist, institutionalist shill, needs to go back to the NYT and rail about Drumpf. If he's so worried about ppl getting hurt he shouldn't worry, his government will be handing out more stimmy checks and Corona masks to the plebs.
  10. The time of the Orcs has come....FB AAPL TSLA all getting clowned After Hours on earnings.
  11. I agree with all of that. There will be bag holders in GME and any other stock there always are and always will be. I've been one more times than I can count...but much like every single winning day trade I make, I take profits and usually don't top tick anything. If people are too stupid to do that...well...you're never gonna fix that. Wall Street and their shill media, CNBC, Bloomcrap, WSJ, just don't like that the "wrong" people are winning here and one of their Bruhs got taken out.
  12. I got in RAD at close. Conviction short for tomorrow. Wipe.them.all.out.
  13. Big boys are selling today, again. 2nd time this week. I do think a top is near. GME a store of value today.
  14. Inwas in and out of PBF for 16%. Anothwr squeeze...rest of my swing portfolio is REKT today. Ugh. Should've sold at lunch today.
  15. A temporary bubble in that stock...sure. The bigger bubble to be concerned about is due to Congress spending and Fed policy. CNBC and pols don't want to talk about that. If markets were a true reflection of the economy everyone's 401k's would be 201k's.. again.
  16. Just watched Chamath filet the idiot Wapner live on CNBC. This guy is spot on. CNBS is just a sell side bucket shop. God forbid retail small guys use a momentum strategy to blow up hedge funds taking massive short positions. It's ok for instirutions to lever up and get 140% short on a stock but not ok when WSB retail ram it up their azz. And Wapner...so 'concerned' that people will get hurt in the trade. I half expected him to beg them to wear masks next. Fake condescending BS. What are you gonna do? Spreadsheet it?? LMAO
  17. There is a certain hatred of the big boys, most of us feel it to some extent...Screw them, they screw the small fry retail traders every day. But I wouldn't make it personal.
  18. Looked like all hell was breaking loose at the open today. Most trading platforms were experiencing severe problems early. Now I've battled back green and buying MOAR! Staying away from GME and AMC. Many other easy targets of opportunity.
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