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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. I have to get my forecast contest prediction in by 10pm. He sets it up that way so that at best you only get a peak at the 00Z NAM for any late trends. The rest of the model suites come out after that. Always makes it tougher! http://newxsfc.blogspot.com/2021/01/winter-20-21-snow-storm-2-call-for.html?m=1 Harrisburg to near BWI look to be one jackpot zone. Not sure I'm fully buying... I like the contest bc it gives you something to get your mind into even if your not "in the game" for the event.
  2. Good post! That's what I recall. IIRC many of the models initially had a max even further west out in CPA which shifted (?) east. I don't believe CPA ever verified in full with that idea. Banding is always the wild card.
  3. Yes...the storm probably would have delivered close to expectations for your area except for the Mother of Stationary Snowbands.
  4. I recall my brother, who lives in Western NJ being excited for "2 feet" of snow. I think they ended up with 8 or 9"...
  5. That Icon map looks suspiciously similar to "consensus" prior to the December storm that rocked BGM. That ended up well NW with max snowfall.
  6. Brace yourself. I am just hoping that we eke out a 3-5" snowfall out of this. Keeping expectations in check. Let's hope the NW trend in models this season continues...
  7. This looks like Climo for many medium to larger east coast storms, in terms of relative snowfall distributions.
  8. Maybe the energy is sufficiently on board the west coast and modeling is trying to resolve it's progress with that of the big fat HP to the NW. And it's a other dying primary.
  9. That's because CNYers pronounce the name wrong. This is punishment for the stoopid.
  10. That's invariably true with some. But these ppl have accomplished more than the leftist jackwagons ever did with their Occupy nonsense.
  11. Bought $GME this a.m. at $315, small size. #Diamondhands LOL
  12. Well at least next week's storm has crashed and burned early. And if it does come back over the weekend it'll be an unexpected surprise without having to sweat the details for the next few days.
  13. Unbelievable BS. What's amazing is that this is what a lot of people feel comfortable with...censor, control, only allow the "approves" behaviors and activities...esp when it comes to $.
  14. That's an unusual placement for a jackpot in CNY. That area west of BGM out to Elmira is usually a snow hole. Although I think we've seen them jackpot on occasion. I'd wager something different plays out.
  15. Yeah we were on the fringe of that band and now another weak one. Net effect is about the same...SN- and pure Fakery falling.
  16. Yeah I am very sure on the 0.03" melted reading. I could have split hairs and maybe recorded 1.4" or 1.6" as even on the snowboard the flakes piled up so delicately it was absurd, so I took the middle.
  17. Same here, its "partly cloudy" and snowing...huge ratios.
  18. And they were right. 1.5" snow here and 0.03" liquid. That's 50:1.
  19. Light snow, good flakes here...about 1/2-3/4" so far.
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