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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. Close to what I just recorded. It's a beautiful, cold, sunny morning! So we have that going for us. Which is nice!
  2. Real verification not matching radar. Barely flurrying here. Bustogenisis in the air...Oh well.
  3. What they need are some big ol' Coal Plants ringing Lake Erie with direct pass HXs rejecting heat into the lake! The bonus would be the black coal soot blanketing any ice that forms and helping to melt it! She blinded me with Science!!
  4. Hey there SnowtoriousBIG... http://www.newx-forecasts.com/NEWxSFC_22/storms/storm3_verifications_07FEB21.htm Who da F@cjlking mang now?
  5. I do miss the gym. Although working out at home has worked well for me. I just won't excercise with a mask on. Esp since I do more cardio then weights.
  6. Same in UK! Despite the new variant. Promising indeed.
  7. Yes, lets reserve this thread for the upcoming Cutters ONLY!
  8. SN- has restarted here. Maybe 1/2" down. Woot!
  9. I ended up with 2.75" for today, a nice little overperformance. Hoping for similar #s overnight. We have a shot at getting last year's 87" with the big snow months of April and May still ahead of us.
  10. So this event could be a repeat of December where you got 13" and we had about half that. I'll take it right now.
  11. We have some SN- started up here also despite the lack of radar showing it.
  12. We could weaponize this against other Boards!
  13. I'd say todays system threw precip a but further north than progged judging by radar and the 3" or maybe a bit more that we have here so far. Still SN- maybe for another hour.
  14. Watch the GooFuS score a coup and Slot the Bejesus out of us.
  15. From what I've read over the years, the "good" news about most virus mutations is that they tend to mutate towards survival and not necessarily lethality. That was one of the observations about other viruses like Ebola etc. If the virus kills off the host too quickly or efficiently, it won't last long, or propagate. So a mutation towards increased transmissibility makes sense as being more probable as a real world concern. There likely are mutations that are more lethal out there but tend to end up being self-limiting...unless host behavior encourages ease of transmission (looking at the mask Refuseniks here), I'd imagine...
  16. Oh I saw your name! I have sucked this year in first 2 contests...mid pack. I am Shillelagh. I was a different handle years ago.
  17. Yeah a nice surprise (here). 1.3" at 8am. Ratio is super high. I only had 0.04" liquid, which is like a 32:1 ratio and I'm pretty confident on the measurement. And collection as there is little wind. Unless I did some math wrong when melting and repouring into the graduated cylinder. Which is always possible...
  18. Let's just see what happens...the potential is there. No use getting negg'd out over this or that model with this.
  19. I tend to agree. I get lost looking at the slew of model output for this but the general look is good for us here. I could see a 5 or 6" LES event here. That is usually the upper end here but we're also overdue for an exceedance. So, fingers crossed!
  20. I'm not rushing out to get the vaccine but when it becomes commonly available by next year I'll probably get it. I'm taking a wait and see approach and see what shakes out. I half expect them to announce that "boosters" or multiple different rounds will ultimately be required so I don't feel compelled to be an early adopter. My main reason for wanting to get it is that overseas travel will probably be restricted without having the vaccine. Which i understand the logic behind it, however much it chafes given the sordid political history we've endured, and continue to have to tolerate.
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