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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. All forums in East melting. Yesterday's NWP 949 mb lunacy was the trigger.
  2. Don't be dissing November! We've had our best seasonal snowstorms in November more than once recently.
  3. Can confirm dusting. Decent flakes size the past hour or so...
  4. On the bright side (?) we are getting our quasi-daily burst of Trace amounts of snowfall attm.
  5. 12Z EC run would be an absolutely Shambolic result for this forum beyond maybe tomorrow and esp the weekend system.
  6. I saw a couple of grainy flakes outside. I think they were mistakes. We will need a new 2022 thread soon enough. It's pretty much the same sh*t as the past two winters. But, we can put new lipstick on an old pig for sure.
  7. Maybe we can turn our OT forum into a Melt Room since discussion of anything interesting ist verboten.
  8. Look on the bright side. Only 3 more months of "this" to endure. With Odin's blessing we'll be breaking out the suntan lotion early next year!
  9. Makes some sense. Trough west, ridge east, it all goes N&W as the trough temporarily slides eastward.
  10. Pretty wide distribution in there. Tells me another couple of days before NWP figures this out.
  11. People defend the "off hour" op model runs as being equal in "accuracy" (probably not the right word) but it sure seems they go wobbly quite often. Could just be a result of expected run to run variation esp almost a week out. It's almost like reviewing 16 or more ensemble panels and trying to pick a winner. Can only get a flavor that something could be brewing, at least digitally..
  12. 00Z Euro has next weekend system as weaker, trough never goes neg tilt in eastern US. Would still possibly be a minor/moderate snowfall for this forum.
  13. Here is 00Z GFS for 00Z Sunday, same time frame as Ukie and Euro posted above. GFS has two separate sfc lows ejecting NE with the 2nd going postal. Very sus and will probably change. Trough does go neutral tilt over the MS river Valley and neg tilt on east coast, which is roughly what you want for an EC storm.
  14. An improved look of late on models but I'd put my $ on the upper Midwest scoring best. This pattern looks really familiar to past winter, or two...we are probably in for a lot of "in between" events and maybe a gullywasher thrown in. It doesn't look like a flip to ridge west / trough east is coming anytime soon. Who knows.
  15. Well my son reported things are pretty sh*tty as far as road conditions out near Tacoma and Bremerton Washington with the snow. Apparently their snow removal / treatment capabilities are on par with a lot of the southern US...major roads were basically a no-go zone today. I never thought about it but I guess that makes sense.
  16. That's a brutally bad look for a 10 day period at this time of year. Fortunately, ensembles change as conditions evolve.
  17. Trough amchored west pushes everything NW of Apos then briefly relaxes and something slides through south. Then will reload West. Seen this many times in past. We'll get something later in winter but the next month is shot for any meaningful synoptic. Maybe a few weeks in late Jan and Feb will be decent. Feels like 2020/21 all over again.
  18. Well, my son reports heavy snow around the Navy base in Bremerton Washington, not far from Seattle. I told him we have the Seattle weather ready to go when he flies home on leave in a few days.
  19. Does Banter include the egregious waste of time that we will all engage in for the next few days until the GooFuS takes the football away again?
  20. Pretty much almost back to status quo ante here with a light covering of snow that managed to fall earlier this a.m. after the light snow-cover was washed away by our traditional XMas sizzle-rain. And the Jonah was even out of town for that. Go figure.
  21. Ah, now we know...the rest of the story. (extra Paul Harvey, for those of us old enough to remember him). Go Bucks!
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