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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. KBUF should have a death grip on the GSB this winter...rest of the competition looks like the NY Jets or Giants. (Is there really a diff?).
  2. Thanks. Told them to go I90 to I86, I390. NYS thruway webcams don't look bad right now until North of Buffalo city. But that could change.
  3. How is i90 out there? My ex and son are contemplating coming back to SYR tonight or tomorrow from Massillon Ohio. Neither option looks great but I see the band has shifted north of i90 for now... Thinking if they took i90 to i86 they would be fine tonight. Maybe not so much tomorrow.
  4. Can confirm, just had a brief dusting of styrofoam snow here. #32 for the season. Amazingly, our 1/4" pack mostly survived today's micro torch with cloudy skies and low (but increasing) sun angle. It's down to a "T" and barely hanging on, much like the rest of us in CNY. Now we get to enjoy cold winds, subsidence, dry air, and a stray flurry the rest of the week. Hopefully the sun comes out at least.
  5. Been like that quite often the past few winters. I've sort of given up on even hoping for a favorable wind direction as even when we nominally get one, the band gets oriented just to our W and SW. Or just to the north, as is more typical due to L.O. "shoreline effects" that ensure decent single bands only get in here as they get flushed south by a passing s/w and fall off the end of the lake.
  6. Yeah, i can see that for @wolfie09 and his "people" but for us cursed flatlanders... you get paddy water. DIrty VC get paddy water. (Arcane Apocalypse Now reference).
  7. From KBGM AFD for this evening: ...A quick dusting to half inch will be possible in any snow showers this afternoon for those lucky enough to be impacted by one. ... And here we are. Waiting for table scraps like a mooching dog.
  8. Big Q of the week here, can our 1/4" "pack" survive the torching today? Will we get re-dusted... Or are we back to mid-December greenfield status? Inquiring minds want to know...
  9. 12Z Euro out near the Benchmark with a 991 mb slp. Pretty much flushes any synoptic system for upstate. After that...passing fronts and weak systems with R/S chances and probably seasonable temps. Not inspiring. Time to start looking at spring planting ideas...
  10. KBUF and KTYX radars and webcams are still available for your viewing pleasure! I know, its fake snow (and it falls apart like the NY Giants when it moves near our location), but short Sunday Driver road trips to see heavy snowfall are pretty easy from here. Only an hour or so up to KART. We are truly #blessed.
  11. 12Z GooFuS looks similar...keeps synoptic snowstorm down in the Mid Atl / SNE snowbelts.
  12. well...its the only game in town! And might actually amount to something more than nuisance mood snow...
  13. It could be worse...you could be someone attempting to drive through I-95 in VA and being so unaware that you thought a foot of snow wouldn't Bollocks up the works down there. And then complain about VA DOT. Some of the quotes from stranded motorists are priceless.
  14. Well the good news is at least the GooFuS shows some Lake Snow potential throughout the run. Granted, probably not blockbuster stuff for anyone but enough for some to channel their inner Stockholm Syndrome and convince themselves its not that bad as 'at least we got something...'
  15. I wouldn't get too invested in this till Thurs 00Z runs. Anything past h48 is unreliable for details. Unless it's a Cutter.
  16. You gotta go south to the snow belts of VA, TN and Alabama for the good snowstorms.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the NAM out beyond say...24-48 hrs considered #DogTurd?
  18. We can squeeze another dusting out of those progs. Seems about right.
  19. So, the rain and cold front passage next week is all we have left? Will have to scour deep into the off hour runs of the JMA to keep hope alive for the next 2 weeks.
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