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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. 1 minute ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    Apparently everyone around these parts remember 93' otherwise 66' thats for around here not KROC so I don't know.

    I think 1966, 1993 for synoptic and maybe Feb 2007 for LES (100" in a week storm) are benchmark storms. The LES was mainly up in Oswego county but was epic. I worked up there at the time and drove it every day.

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  2. 5 hours ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    Do you know every time a potential system enters the pic, the first thing I do is block Syrmax, RLMAO, cause hes the biggest debbie downer there is and I dont want any negative posts from here on in, lol! Then as soon as it passes, I unblock him!

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    Dont be a f*cking weenie. It's not a good look. ;)

  3. 7 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Jan 3-4, 1994 and Jan 7-8, 1994 were both events that just got crunched by the PV confluence...in many other setups they would have been cutters. We haven't had a lot of events like that lately...a few years ago we did. 2/5/14 and even 2/2/15 were similar...though both were not nearly as strung out as this one is currently modeled.

    Good memory. I recall Jan 1994 being a strung out sort of 2 part event. Or maybe they were more distinct and separate but there was a discernible lag between hits.   I’ve seen too many snowstorms and lake effect blitzes now to remember fine details. Other than I was in the hell hole of SECT for March 1993 and Jan 1996.  And yeah, these type of lee side systems have been a bit lacking (for northeast US snow) in recent years. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Yeah he's def in a worse spot than Ray by a lot in this event....but I can easily see this pulling a '94 with that high position where it's no chance of warming the sfc past PYM or something. But who knows...there is def a chance we could get something a lot worse...esp for SE areas. Still 5-5.5 days out. This is barely even inside of clown range...that's how long we've been tracking it.

    This does remind me a bit of 1994. Was a good dump for interior CT and north. I navigated I-91 in Hartford during it.  Storm was followed by “dangerous cold”...as per Brad Field at the time.  A coworker visiting from Sweden mocked us for weeks after we LOL’d.  It was the first time that I observed local media become completely embarrassing clown shows with weather events.

  5. GFS shows a closed 700mb low forming on the lee side of the Rockies but it opens up as it moves east. So this thing looks to mainly tap a lot of gulf moisture and sling it north along the boundary the slp follows. So winds shouldn’t be much of an issue during the storm.  You can see the progression below.



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  6. As event firms up will need to look at model soundings to see if we can get best UVV and dendrite zone to align.  Kuchera probably shows high end potential given its incorporation of thermal profile in snow ratios but other factors have a say also.

    this isn’t really a classic nor’easter...more of a lee side low that follows a thermal boundary ENE.

    And wow, GEM caved...

  7. 13 minutes ago, WesterlyWx said:

    If I remember correctly Wolfie posted some 18z Euro runs a while back but your a cruel sick person for messing with our mental physche after the winter we've had so far and our(or at least mine)  fragile state of mind haha! 

    I am here to throw gas on the fire of the board. ;)

    In all seriousness, not sure how comfy we should be at 5-6 days out being basically in/near the bullseye for a snowstorm.  But it looks groovy now 


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