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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. 1 minute ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Just saw EPS, surprised at how far SE they want after such great consistency. Still think WSW for us is in order. This also sets the stage for the next storm the farther SE this storm goes the better chance we are in the prime zone for next 

    What does one have to do with the other in this case? I saw that logic used elsewhere with tomorrow evening's system and the weekend storm, which will barely be aboard West Coast as Thursday system swings thru here. Bigger issue is speed, rate of development and interaction w/ UL energy swinging/pivoting SE from Canada. IMO.

  2. I have no idea what happens on the euro between 96 and 120 hrs but it has a 998 mb slp over So. VA at 96 and GFS has 994 mb in exact same spot 6 hrs earlier, accounting for 18Z vs 12z time differences.

    By 120h Euro takes slp to Halifax while GFS is tucked inside that, from NYC to BOS to Eastport Maine track.

  3. 11 minutes ago, vortmax said:

    Still a big hit, but not epic. Sharp precip cutoff as well. We really won't know the degree of phasing until the SW is sampled tomorrow evening. Anyone wanna comment on the synoptic setup changes per model run that would point to the degree of phasing (particularly the EC vs. FV3)?

    Biggest changes/trends with Euro, is not less phasing as was suggested earlier here, but actually more phasing at a different time... as system approaches NE coast which generates larger qpf/colder solution.  Solutions last few days on GFS/FV3/EC had limited/no phasing w/ primary low at our lattitude, not significantly redeveloping until roughly the Maritimes.  A weak secondary low was shown on some model runs which generated an anafrontal look over NE as it scooted out NE.  This run looks like earlier redevelopment/phasing and resultant bigger snows/qpf for CNE up to Maritimes. It really has little to do with moisture riding into a cold dome, its the interaction up above...

    We shall see.

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