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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. 7 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:

    Lol...winter 18-19 rolls on...snow and below zero and then a thaw the next day to screw it up. I thought we were going into a very cold pattern?


    We are not headed into a cold pattern, other than transient. These zipperheads pushing SSWs and PV "fractures" are the same dopes running the Tropic Thunder model that the NYC and NE forums cling to like ticks on a zit, with Ben Stiller as Chief Programmer.

  2. 00Z models usually jog south due to Froude value displacement and Gaussian distribution vectorized distributions. The NAM instantiates from millenial overwrite errors in the mid level subroutine call functions. That's the Tip.  Well documented in the literature.  Wait till 12Z! Wagons North.


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  3. 00Z NAM Wow!!

    FYI, regarding 00Z NAM, recently came across an interesting study that analyzed NAM via Fourier time domain analysis in 156 global data series (essentially discrete events). Where Deutsche ICON and NAM coaligned at h200 within 48 hr instantations, given Z-Scores >0.9 and open channel Froude values <1.0, NAM outperformed power series Z by 0.95, with confidence levels of 0.98!.  (Fg) was assumed constant throughout the column in all instances, as was  the qAv product.  This found NAM thermal and slp placement far superior by 2 SD vs GFS and ECMWF determanistic Kronecker products.  Only 0.5 SD probabalistic with Sigma < 2 however the raw score null set was overly constrained so ...  Bottom line, setup here is perfect to push all your chips to the centre of the table on NAM. Seems crazy,  but true. - SPQR

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  4. 15 minutes ago, tim123 said:

    Whats ku method and why does it apply

    Kuchera, in a nutshell, factors in temperature in determining ratios ( snow to liquid equivalent), versus a fixed 10:1 ratio. It has its limitations as it doesn't (i think) look at snow growth zone and upward velocity (lift) alignment, which matters for dendrite (snowflake) type.  So, basically, take qpf and plug in whatever ratio is expected (12:1 or up to 15:1 here) and get a swag at total snowfall. That doesnt account for banding either (or downsloping, etc).

  5. 1 minute ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    NYC must of been just added as was coastal CT and I cant for the life of me figure out why?

    Maybe the Mets in their office are throwing everything else out except the Euro, lol?

    They must have been reading the other subs here, and learned that ICON > GFS, Ukie has led the model field with this system, 1C temp variations are a trend and not model noise.

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