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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. 7 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:

    3.5" here..

    I agree about flake size still small..

    Back edge is through about 10/11 am, time is ticking lol

    Flakes are better than earlier though. 

    Only thing that will generate big numbers is meso banding, I don’t see that actually developing quite yet. We could be looking at a 12:1 ratio for the entire event. ROC may be saved by Lake Ontario ultimately...and it seems they are a couple inches ahead of us already. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, CNY_WX said:

    It will be interesting to see the final ratios. 

    I'm going to take a midnight measurement. Last was at 6pm. It was 11.8:1 then, and I'd expect same at midnight. There's enough wind to possibly skew a measurement or what's in the gauge though. We'll see. I'm guessing we'll be near 5" at midnight.

  3. 15 minutes ago, CNY_WX said:

    Coming down pretty good but what is it with this crappy flake size?  If you put 10 of these flakes together you might make a decent dendrite!

    This is always the problem when I start looking at a Kuchera derived snowfall map... it almost becomes a snowfall expectation in the back of my mind, even though I know better. Looks nice but other factors are more important than just temperature profiles, and make or break a storm.  A sounding right now would help understand what’s happening. Guessing, low temps leaving the snow growth zone relatively low in the column, lousy UVV or it’s not aligned with a low snow growth zone, or the UVV is just too broad or diffuse.  Or some permutation of those factors?  I think Nick, OSU, mentioned something this the other day.

  4. So, toying with some back of the envelop maths while we wait for the enhanced lift to do its dirty work...we have been averaging 3/8-1/2" per hr snow since noon around SYR. If 1/2"/hr kept up till end of storm, say noon, that's another 6.5" and bring us to 10" total.  Not often that a 10" snowfall would bring massive wailing and gnashing of teeth but it would. So I have to think we end up closer to 16-18" getting under a mesoband for a while.

  5. 36 minutes ago, mattny88 said:

    Everybody go to jeremy kappel 945 pm facebook live page he is the rochester meteorologist who got fired from whec 10 news..he has some really great analysis and updates on the storm..his videos are usually always at least 15 minutes and he answers questions us weather ethusiasts may have..Highly recommend tuning in at 945

    I checked out his previous live cast and will view his 2145 broadcast. Not bad. Good guy that got completely boned by the Idiocracy.

  6. Rice snow continues IMBY.  Measured another 1.5” at 9pm...that’s over a 3 hr period.  Total is 3.5”.  Unimpressive entry level snowfall thus far but even if the meso banding fails (which I doubt) we will end up with 6-10”. Which isn’t bad.  Just trying to figure out a worst case scenario.  Wind has picked up.

    KBGM now thinking So. Tier of NY stays more snowy with mix being more limited.  Hopefully that’s right.

  7. 16 minutes ago, WesterlyWx said:

    Don't worry your not alone. I'm in the same boat lol! 


    Felt like Ike we were off to a blazing start which likely got my expectations too unrealistically high so now just need to check myself, tell myself we weren't even supposed to have this much snow by now, and be positive. This one should end with 1'+ here which will only take about another 6-6.5" to accomplish.

    Don’t sweat it. Long way to go.  You have 5-6” already....we have 2” here and hoping we get another foot or so.

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