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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Didn’t you have 2 synoptic systems give you 15-18” already? November and then last week. 

    We've had 2 decent to good events as you've mentioned. We are tracking roughly normal for snowfall with almost 2 months of winter left. So it's far from a disaster here.  We ground out 12-13" over a couple days last weekend, despite disappointing synoptic snowfall in our immediate area (Syracuse city had noticeably more!). 

    Personally I dont care much about LES as it's usually transient and more or less window dressing here.  Which to be clear, is a cool thing for us snow lovers, but it's not like we get blockbuster snow on WNW flow events or "ye olde broom" events that start north and fall off the lake heading south while reorienting to NW flow multi bands.

  2. 1 hour ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    Bring it, 60-65 up into KSYR, on the EURO for Feb 5 can't wait, not!


    Pretty much done with winter here. Cold with occasional flurries or SN- isn't all that exciting TBH.  Fortunately, I have a golf trip to Arizona later in Feb. Maybe when I get back I'll bring the Torch with me. ;)

  3. 5 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    We are a special breed lol

    Majority of the population is weather illiterate...

    I actually know a few who can't tell the difference between a tornado and hurricane lol

    Almost everyone thinks sleet is freezing rain..haha

    I have friends who call bust when the forecast is 30 percent showers , "weatherman are always wrong"

    And they're convinced of global warning's worst outcomes...just ask them...

  4. 6 minutes ago, WNash said:

    Yeah this is gonna show up as maybe an inch or two at KBUF. Just as well that the seasonal snowfall numbers will stay low and will more accurately reflect what an awful season this has been for the Niagara Frontier in general.

    Isn't the Niagara frontier always awful for snow?

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Thinksnow18 said:

    I've seen a comparison to '85 and maybe '67? I know the forecasts are not doing a good job with temps for this but I'm feeling a day next week Thursday or Friday that will not get above zero in all areas and the low temp of -21 at KBUF might be in jeopardy. That is also a mean SW flow and I'm really curious of the LES potential.

    Rice snow for LES in those conditions.  SGZ is underground. ;)

  6. 2 hours ago, wolfie09 said:
    Another synoptic system will cross the area late Monday through
    Tuesday. Model guidance continues to show a variety of track
    solutions with this system. Some runs, including the 00Z GFS and GEM
    take the low center to the north and west of our region, which would
    bring a brief warm-up and possible mixed precipitation or even rain
    to our region. The ECMWF on the other hand takes a more southern
    track, which would keep our area all snow. If the more southern
    track verifies this system could be a respectable snow producer for
    our region.
    Regardless of the eventual track of this system, model guidance
    remains in good agreement in bringing another strong push of true
    arctic air into the Great Lakes and New England for the second half
    of next week. 850mb temps may bottom out at -30C, which would
    support near record cold across our region.

    We're gonna have a nascent glacier here in about a week. ;)

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    No one else knew about the 3" deluge we just received? Gotta love when they say rain, and it turns into a flooding rn, unreal, but when its supposed to snow heavy, we get pixie dust for flakes, lol!

    0.50" in my rain gauge this a.m. snowcover down from 14" to 10". Still 41 degrees here this a.m.  The snow has absorbed this pretty well but another day of 40 degrees will chomp into this.

  8. 32 minutes ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    And usually when KBUF sees potential and they throw up a winter storm watch Binghamton usually follows but I don't see that this time as far as Onondaga Madison and So. Cayuga so I wouldn't lose hope just yet.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    KBGM not jumping ugly yet on this. There's still a day for modelling to further work on this event...they did mention northern Oneida but were concerned about residence time...also that NAM supposedly shows band getting into Syracuse area for a time. So WTFK...

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