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Posts posted by Syrmax

  1. This has the look of a WAA thump and then mix, dry slot. I'd guess 4-6" for most, maybe 6-8" up near Tug area to north. Enhancement after?  Maybe a few inches up east of L.O. but that's about it. Wolfie and TugHillMatt may get 8-12" is my guess. Mostly a WWA event from a snow accum standpoint here. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, CNY_WX said:

    Looks like the Buffalo airport is getting blitzed right now. 1/16 mile visibility in heavy snow!  Are planes taking off and landing in that?

    KBUF 301654Z 26019G30KT 1/16SM R23/1200V2200FT +SN BLSN VV012 M18/M21 A2988 RMK AO2 PK WND 26030/1650 SLP135 P0000 T11781206

    Definitely not VFR conditions, well below minimums.  ;) Take off probably a bigger problem, not sure how you de-ice and remain de-iced in those conditions. Not sure what KBUF actual minimums are but i'd guess there's not much moving around now.  Even taxi-ing problematic.

  3. 39 minutes ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    Did it, oh ok then as I wasn't aware but I'd bet money we dint pass 100" this season so we'll see for sure!

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    Snowing in Syracuse.  Steady but not heavy. KSYR tracking close to normal for seasonal snowfall thusfar thanks to November. 

    Looks like a 7-10 day break is upcoming though, other than some extra cold for a few days this week.

  4. 9 minutes ago, tim123 said:

    This is different. Back door cold front models usually underdo cold from north east

    There's no backdoor front next week. Its a mini torch. We will punch well into the 40s for 2 days with copious rain...again. Storm track is way west and awful in its inconsistency this season.

  5. 7 minutes ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    Thats being generous bro as I'm going with zip for tonight and as the front approaches tomorrow sn may get heavier and steadier for a time, but will be over in no time. almost like a CF picking up a band and taking it with it.

    18Z NAM spits out ~0.2" liquid at KSYR...12Z GEM&GFS  had around 1/3"...so yeah at 11:1 we net about 2-4" total. "Lollipops" to 5" in the hills South of here. LOL

  6. 3 minutes ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

    Frozen lake doesn’t mean anything... 5 mile wide open patch of lake water was just enough to fire up a band that dropped 10-14” over central Erie county.


    Good find. I remember that event. That's why I dont think you all near Buffalo will have much of an issue with frozen lake limitations with this event.

  7. 2 minutes ago, tim123 said:

    May be a classic south shore ice storm coming next week. Euro and gfs v3 have it

    I saw indications of that but several days left for that to resolve. Models usually underdo the warm push so if next weeks system tracks where currently progged it'll probably be more liquid than ice with this cold shot rotating out.

  8. 13 minutes ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    I have a feeling there's gonna be quite a few members who are disappointed for just getting 18" when they were forecasted to get 40, lol!

    Cleveland is/was torching and rain, 39F. Sorta envious.  We need to get that up into CNY to get the roads and cars spic n span again, but no deal. Rice snow and cold for us! ;)

  9. 1 minute ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    That's NEVER going to happen, NEVER ever!  I also think this LE that everyone is talking about is going to be falling into super dry dense air which just doesn't like RH.  We just went through this with the last event with the pixie-dust like snowfall.  It was dense for sure, but I think some are getting way ahead of themselves but to each his own as that's whats best about being different.

    I think the LES will do better than pixie dust, especially if any multiple lake connection gets established. But yeah, you would figure such s dry air mass will limit things perhaps. Probably not too much though. Will be interesting to see unfold.

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