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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. Well it was showing something like that at 372 hrs recently. Now only 324 hrs!. LOL.
  2. KBGM maps: take em down. KBUF: put em up! I think this will end up as a WWA annoyance level snow here. KBGM agreeing with me as Watch still in place and totals being lowered. Bands will be broken up during the day and further north overall for the strongest periods.
  3. This would be most welcome if I wasnt looking forward to 75 degrees and umbrella drinks poolside...
  4. If Fulton picks up 10-12" this week while the So Tug area collects flurries, Wolfie may go postal.
  5. They had some low ratio snow there near the shoreline. Coastal CT reports this a.m. are supporting 5 or 6:1. And it was all snow. Yuck. About 1.2 - 1.3" liquid and 5 or 6" snow. Interior did better ratio wise.
  6. I'll buy that Lake Effect for a dollar! *Robocop* reference.;)
  7. I'd generally agree. Lived in SE CT for 15 years, until 2000. Place was a crap hole for snow storms. Up towards Hartford and Springfield was better but even they struggled most years.
  8. What is your biggest lake effect event this season?
  9. For Saturday? LOL 3-6" possible for a limited area of SNE.
  10. I think ROC -> east to SYR gets a 3-6" sideswipe. BUF...maybe a bit less. ALB may be in a great spot this time. I wouldn't rule out an eventual more NW track that does even better. We'll certainly have ratios in our favor (No Kuchera). Interior SNE looks pretty good for this one but the coast is likely gonna changeover to slop and rain, which is pretty typical despite the past decade + of out-performance down there. The fun is over. Back to old school gruel for winter fare
  11. Compared to a few storms this season, the flake size wasn't that bad yesterday here. Certainly not the sh*tty rice snow we've seen here on more than one occasion with synoptic systems.
  12. 2 days of model runs to go...anything is possible. At least we will not have been tracking it for a week...unlike the storm that shall not be mentioned. I measured 8.1" this a.m. for this storm. Overachiever in my book.
  13. Right around 8" here. Not bad at all. Looks to be wrapped up here.
  14. Pretty good flake size here. Better than many of the storms this season.
  15. I'd say there is 2 or 3" downtown Cuse. Place is gridlocked.
  16. So you've met KBOX Blizzard criteria? Impressive stuff.
  17. KBUF was getting tired of his antics so they threw him a bone to get him off their backs.
  18. There's also a minor fortune in road salt on many roads from recent events. I-690 was totally white this a.m. with no active salt trucks...
  19. There must be some model that can get us sucked in to unrealistic expectations. Perhaps tomorrow.
  20. As I look out the dirty windows here at work, I think I see a few flakes starting to fall here in downtown Cuse
  21. That's makes perfect sense since I've been ready for spring for a month ever since the Polar Vortexing we got. It'll happen.
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