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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. I was hit by a large snowflake once. Not good.
  2. We are up to other inch or so. By the time this swings thru maybe up to 2" additional snow. Will be fun to borrow it appears! Fingers crossed.
  3. 4" here IMBY. Pretty tame storm and i agree the local mets and NWS handled this well, for here. Of course, as storms go, it was kind of a softball. But it did seem to throw more precip to the north compared to modeling...again.
  4. "Backbuilding" (and its cousin, deathband) is one of those uberweenie terms that those of us who have been online in wx forums since the 1990s robustly despise. But once every decade or so it actually applies, as opposed to being a desperate figment of weenie imagination.
  5. Snow has been hanging on here and dare i say, *backbuilding* a bit...pretty good flake size the past half hour.
  6. Just measured 3.5" here. Still accumulating rate of snow despite a more iffy radar depiction. We might get to 4-5" if this keeps going a few more hours. Pretty much behaving as expected.
  7. KBGM bumped up totals from yesterday, now at the high end of previous thinking. Looks like we may get a couple of additional inches tomorrow.
  8. oh yeah...0.08" I actually had to go check my cocorahs submittal and make sure i didn't get it wrong there too!
  9. 1.5" accumulated on 0.8" liquid as of 8 am here. Though, as Wolfie mentioned, the rate has really picked up in the last 20 minutes. Actually looks like a snowstorm out there now.
  10. Those usually dont amount to much. 15 minute blizzards, which granted, can cause chaos if you're out and about in it but leave not much more than a dusting.
  11. 2-4" here looks good. Although we're due to have a bone thrown our way. You may do ok with whatever LES follows. Hills south of SYR probably stand best chance for 6" out of this. After this it looks like nap time till 2020...
  12. We've had a few winters like that in my 15 years here but on balance a lot of up and down for "snowpack." My experience prior to moving here was further Southeast, and South, where that's the norm in almost any winter. So I don't have a good lifetime frame of reference in one location to come to any conclusions, other than make a limited observation. Would be interesting to see if anyone with access to the requisite data (if it exists), has done any long term study of winter snow depths.
  13. I didn't realize the GFS goes out a full 365 days now.
  14. It stuck here pretty fast. Ground temps weren't all that warm as we never got into true blowtorch condition the past couple of days. Solid coating down here already, probably not far from an inch down by eyeballing the yard.
  15. Fact. At least its nightfall so maybe we can get a few inches out of this.
  16. Big fat flakes now in Clay. Sticking to everything
  17. 44 deg down here. Long way to go to even think about flipping. Map looking good for down this way.
  18. I still think we will eke out 2-4" here. But as Freak mentioned, the precip will be pulling away as the thermal profile improves so it'll be a bit of a race between these elements. The mon/tues system seems like it may be a similar category of snowfall.
  19. Gonna be fun to see thus evolve esp since we are both on the bubble. Along with Freak. Who will be freaking with the rest of us as this evolves tomorrow.
  20. I'm thinking my area around SYR is going to do better than currently being advertised by KBGM. But they've got a couple more model runs and actual storm obs all day tomorrow to make adjustments. Probably "Travelers Advisory" snowfall here...with my area ending up with 2-4" after the changeover, which I think won't be a drawn out / delayed affair as the slp will be rapidly deepening, as others have noted.
  21. KBGM going with an inch or two (of snow) in the higher elevations sat night into Sunday a.m. So there's that. The added bone-us is they are thinking the mon night/Tues system will track further west than previously thought, yielding more non-snow precip than previously thought. Here in the far north of their CWA...we'll see about that.
  22. Joe Bastard tweeted this earlier today. Interesting look.
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