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Everything posted by weathercoins

  1. What a week this has been. At the very least, a few of the earlier in week model runs gave us some really nice Kuchera snow maps that we can sell as NFT’s to the Boston crowd to cheer them up
  2. GFS upgrade really seems like it has made a significant difference. Maybe that’s an obvious understatement. But starting to really question the value of the former King in the 3-6 day range, beyond creating fun snow maps
  3. Front end looks fine for a fun advisory event, but coastal won’t get us anything
  4. Was the level of rapid intensification on the NAM while the coastal was still well south of here consistent with the Euro modeled solution?
  5. Many runs with the storm last weekend had a nice improvements in early frames only to screw us later, so fingers crossed…
  6. The ICON is only a good model in very specific situations, specifically when it somehow finds a way to inexplicably predict that a coastal snow hurricane will ride the coast in the medium range. Otherwise it’s trash
  7. Especially closer to coast when actual ratio likely even lower.
  8. Don’t think we’ve had a map giving anything in this area 40 inches (only a few days out) in 5+ years
  9. If this is even close to realistic, the chasers should plan on staying there for a while. Can’t imagine those roads will be dug out for a bit.
  10. Solid advisory storm with the small but increasing possibility that the coastal puts us into warning criteria, coming on the weekend when more of us can enjoy it. And 25 hours ago it looked like we’d get nothing. I like it.
  11. It’s “we’re doomed to have a lot of snow because the storm is inexplicably riding the coast”
  12. Incredible level of rapid intensification off the coast for that one. Seems like it did it at exactly the right time so it “threaded the needle” in terms of giving the I95 corridor stupid amounts of snow though?
  13. Media hardcore hyping this one up already, especially north. That was fast
  14. 1. They always seem to conflate confidence with potential impact on this product (i.e. if very uncertain if a major storm will impact, always a low confidence and low potential impact) 2. Interesting to have higher confidence west
  15. I like how our sub waits a bit to jinx the storm with a thread. SE and NE subforums sometimes seem to start a thread twelve days out based on a single ensemble outlier snow map
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