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Everything posted by JonClaw

  1. Very sudden, heavy downpour in Queens for a few minutes. Already letting up.
  2. I had to do a double take at the 82 reading at LGA.
  3. For what it's worth, SREF mean has trended upwards for LGA over the last 4 runs: 6.68", 7.95", 8.00", and now 9.56"
  4. Nice little cell popped over Queens with nowhere to go. Pouring now.
  5. Got a cell entering Brooklyn now. One just west of Jersey City too.
  6. Winds cranking up knocking a lot of things around. Power keeps dipping out IMBY. I wouldn't be shocked to lose power for a bit soon.
  7. I was gonna say "Wow, enhanced risk for NYC? When did that last happen?" only to find out it happened in June... What a summer this has been.
  8. It's much nicer here.

  9. One too many 8 balls

  10. Ask me where I went

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