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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. Wind blew over my gas grill, and moved it 5 or 6 feet. Musta been a bit breezy.
  2. those of us with outdoor plans tomorrow are already disappointed
  3. nice! I might be going for the x370 for the hydraulic lift and power steering
  4. what model are you thinking about? i have an older LA1xx series tractor. it has been great, but am ready to upgrade to an X3xx series
  5. uh, you might want to leave super early, or not at all. WMUR just reported 90 minute drive time i-93 from Manchester to Boston. that is going to be a miserable drive for you
  6. up in CON for an appointment, 0.0000000” here, although I might have seen a flake or 2 an hour ago. could very well have been someone’s dandruff flying in the wind though
  7. we get it. stop posting the same crap over and over and over
  8. well to be fair, the forecasts leading up to the event were in feet, not inches. the TV mets were going bananas.
  9. Our new Dover, NH posters would have loved March 5-6 2001. not sure how much the Dover area got, but not too far west/southwest of them got crushed. the route 101 corridor and south, I think some parts had up to 30". i remember being disappointed that i only got around 2', but I am not exactly sure what i ended up with. i was a younger weenie with no record keeping abilities. that was in the CON area.
  10. i was dressed in full snowmobile clothes (minus the helmet) and was fairly comfy. i chuckled when the beer guy asked me for my ID when buying beer-I was in a full ski mask. I could have been a 12 year old girl for all he knew
  11. i was at that game, it was pretty brutal. tailgating was just silly, beers froze as soon as you opened them, used coolers to keep the beer "warm", salsa froze too
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