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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. I picked up 1.2” in about 20 mins last night. most frequent lightning I think I’ve ever seen.
  2. Do a google search for chipmunk death buckets. they work really well
  3. just under 1” of rain here since 5/16. dry begets dry
  4. To those saying that today is another dry day, i suggest checking the radar to your west/southwest. here at MHT it’s been damp and dank all morning. Everything is pretty wet. sure, no real measurable yet, but it’s coming soon.
  5. no need to grade it. it sucked donkey balls.
  6. I think your calculator is broken
  7. Usually around 6 weeks, but you’ll likely be fine after 4
  8. I think tips diatribe was more about the fact that it is a closed Facebook group. it was a very strange post.
  9. What did you use to spread the peat moss?
  10. one nice day does not a weather month make
  11. we have pileated peckers around here constantly. they are annoying. a couple or 3 barn owls in the ‘hood as well
  12. that's a bummer man, sorry to hear. do you have a web cam or game cam facing your chicken run? might be a good idea so you can watch for predators.
  13. yeah, i woke up and saw the sunrise and thought it might be a nice early morning walk. next thing i know i am walking in a blizzard. this is no way to run a spring.
  14. agree that there have been some nice days, however right now it is 43 degrees and snowing. i have seen snow 4x in the last 7 days. whatever pattern this is, yes it blows.
  15. this has been the longest “spring” ever. do we turn the corner before Memorial Day?
  16. when is the sister of 2012;making an appearance?
  17. persistence would have brought this storm up the HV, or at least a screaming sou’wester as you like to say
  18. great video. that one in the foreground towards the end of the video looked ike a dog running around.
  19. Yes but i don’t want to cause an issue by taking your tissue
  20. i have an issue with you taking issue that others are having issues.
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