not sure what it is, but i have a couple young oak trees whose leaves are taking a beating this year. there were holes in the leaves, then the ends turned brown. tree seems to be OK, as it has some new growth, but I am a little worried
if you are talking about the propellers, yes. i cleaned up an incredible amount from my driveway yesterday. never had that many before,. not even close
i had the same thing going on. i stabbed a driveway marker in a few spots to see if it would help it drain out. it did not, but that was probably because it hit what i am pretty sure is ice about 6-8" down. no wonder it can't drain.
the downside with rocks is inevitable weed growth. I am sure you put a barrier underneath it, but weeds, especially crabgrass don’t need much sand/dirt/soil to grow. So with rocks you have to constantly pull weeds and/or spray them with chemicals. mulch itself acts as a weed barrier, assuming you put down a heavy layer. I agree that they look good at first though
uh, you might want to leave super early, or not at all. WMUR just reported 90 minute drive time i-93 from Manchester to Boston. that is going to be a miserable drive for you
up in CON for an appointment, 0.0000000” here, although I might have seen a flake or 2 an hour ago. could very well have been someone’s dandruff flying in the wind though
what's the big deal (assuming it is a big deal to the severe weenies). 90+% of the general public has no clue what a derecho even is, including myself.