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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. absolutely. 2" is optimal, but don't cut it too much shorter than you normally cut. i keep mine at 3" during the summer, went down to 2.5" for aerating/overseeding
  2. no, but it looks interesting. i have recently had a bunch of tree work done at my house and neighbors. I have them chip up all the branches and leave a big pile. if you want clean mulch, this is not for you. i use it to fill in low spots on trails in my area. the small sticks and evergreen "shrapnel" that is in the chips breaks down very quickly. in fact, the whole thing breaks down quickly.
  3. this is the first time that I have ever heard of the great Lakes modifying air masses anywhere, especially in NE. I could see it on a micro level, kind of like an ocean front, but hundreds of miles away? Let me guess, more hyperbole from DIT, and he will say that he is "trying to drive discussion".
  4. lower dews would be spectacular. I went for a walk last night, temp was about 75. Broke a mean sweat, thanks to the farkin’ 68 degrees dew point. I’m ready for some dryer air. Dr DIT Dewpoint down there in CT can have this crap
  5. ok that doesn't sound like grub damage. you are right, the turf pretty much disintegrates since the grubs chow the roots. how frequently and how much did you water that area? have you had a lot of rain? it sucks, i remember seeing pics of your lawn looking fantastic.
  6. well, if you were watering it regularly, it wouldn't have burned out. i suppose you could have over-watered, but that sounds like a stretch. have you treated for grubs? any easy way to check for them is to stick a shovel in the ground in pull back some turf. if you see a couple, that's usually not a problem. but if you see a bunch, the damage is done.
  7. I did that religiously after every use, my Scott’s spreader failed after about 15 years. The loose plastic wheel eventually rubbed through the leg and it broke last week
  8. heavy heavy aeration and over seeding this weekend.
  9. crabgrass, although it sucks, is green grass. way better than what you used to have. At least the crabby will hold the soil in place
  10. funny thing is, I had a second application of pre-emergent in late May when the TruGreen guy showed up to do the neighbors house and did my yard by accident.
  11. been there, did that back in late April
  12. fargin’. crabgrass has taken over my lawn. Heavy, heavy dislike
  13. there is def. a lack of water going on. hard to tell about fert without seeing it and knowing how much or what you put down. either way, a decent amount of rain today should help quite a bit. unfortunately with that slope, heavy rains are just going to runoff and not drain into the soil. but every little bit helps.
  14. yeah lava you need water, and plenty of it. new grass will die off quickly with lack of water. you didn't have a wet fall, and spring has been quite dry since mid-April. can you install irrigation off of your existing well?
  15. informative? hardly. i couldnt get past this (bolded emphasis mine):
  16. what's the big deal (assuming it is a big deal to the severe weenies). 90+% of the general public has no clue what a derecho even is, including myself.
  17. agree with Bob, aerating this time of year is just an invitation for the weeds, especially crab grass. you could at least spread some fertilizer, not a big investment and the right stuff will work well. Also, may not be the best time, but lime pellets are pretty cheap so it's not like you would be throwing your money away.
  18. plus, what you said about the timing is important. it is hard to get a new lawn established this time of year. the sun is brutal, and the new grass has to compete with weeds, which have already seeded. last year i put some loam down and seeded an area where i can't get any water to. this was mid-September. granted it is a mostly shady area, but that grass came in better than a lot of areas i have done, mostly because of the time of year. the only water it was getting was from morning dew.
  19. Lava, I strongly recommend that you rototill that area. it has dried out so much it is probably wicked compacted. Putting new loam on top will be nice, but the roots will have a hard time penetrating that cement.
  20. when your forsythia bloom you are good to go. based on your location, i am assuming that has not happened yet
  21. we get it. stop posting the same crap over and over and over
  22. well to be fair, the forecasts leading up to the event were in feet, not inches. the TV mets were going bananas.
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