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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. I had standing water out back after the Sunday night/Mon morning rain. picked up another inch today. I have not had standing water out back since late spring. so yeah, it’s been wet.
  2. closing in on an inch of rain. Temp is up to 35.
  3. polar opposite here. I filled a 17 cf cart with acorns a month ago. That was from 1 tree.
  4. How the heck would the govt mandate getting a vaccine, and how the heck would they enforce it? cops show up at your door with automatic weapons and a syringe?
  5. because this is a New England forum and that hurricane ain’t happening here.
  6. I found one firmly implanted on my thigh the other day. must have been from cleaning up leaves.
  7. don’t really care to read an NYC forecast seeing as I live in New England and am posting in a New England thread
  8. what J spin is trying to say is that it sucked donkey nuggets.
  9. great explanation of this on FB this morning BTW
  10. I am a fairly infrequent skier, but based on all the above discussion, I’ll be staying out of VT this year. I don’t go there very often anyway, so it’s no loss for them. but the restrictions are just getting silly. NH is wide open, and has been very busy all summer. the traffic heading up I93 on fridays has been just as busy as any other year.
  11. I don’t get what that Phil guy is saying. the reddish brown color says below normal snowfall according to the map legend. below normal does not equal bare ground.
  12. stein lives on. 0.8” to finish September, 0.15” to start October. you can’t tell me it’s not still dry and steiny. we have a long way to go to turn that drought around.
  13. 0.04” of rain and a couple gusts. woopidty f-in doo
  14. yeah that would be the best course of action, especially considering the fact that he is a state trooper lol
  15. at least I’m going small caliber. not sure shooting the 9mm S&W would be a good idea in the hood, although it would quickly solve the problem.
  16. turns out it was the neighbors chickens. guess I need to lock and load the BB gun.
  17. kicking your ass, as we got lucky with t-storms especially in July. july 4.95 august 2.57 sept 0.37 total 7.89
  18. you’ve got 2x more than me, I’m sitting at 0.37” MTD
  19. birches are dropping leaves like crazy. the maples that started to turn 10 days ago have come and gone, and are now mostly bare. the wind and rain this week is going seriously shorten leaf peeping season
  20. LOL. same outside temp here, but inside my house is 72 with 90% humidity. Premature uninstall FTL
  21. thanks guys. it’s def not chipmunks, they are way too small to do this kind of damage. squirrels are a possibility but I kind of doubt it. I have seen some groundhogs in the area, could be that. size seems about right
  22. what critter would have dug up 2 of my mulch beds? holes were too big to be a skunk, as I’ve only seen them dig smaller holes in the grass. the holes were ~6” deep, right through the mulch into the dirt, throwing the mulch everywhere. Dug right under some of the bushes. would a bear have done that?
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