that little "peninsula" of blue in central NH was on most of the models for several days leading up to the storm. what was the impetus for that? Like, what would cause that gap in between the yellow/orange to the north and south?
i don't know, i have had measurable (>1") snow twice in the last 14 years.
one winter was way below normal for snow. one winter is TBD, but not looking good.
100% verification that October snow=shit winters.
i got lucky in the 12/16 storm, with just over 20". take that out of the season totals, and I would be sitting at 14". i had more snow in Jan '12, Jan '16, and Jan '20 than I have had this Jan
my cousin in Chelmsford MA is selling her house due to divorce. Put it on the market on Friday (3 days ago) and as of today has 6 offers, the lowest is 30k over asking. yeah. I’d say it’s a sellers market.
agree with you. for example, once the snowbanks get huge, it's hard to tell the amount of snow, because they just stay huge.
sometimes you can only tell by the amount of snow on the roof. like, on a canopy over a front door where it just stacks up.
it's Jan 6th. we are literally like 2 weeks into winter.
i mean yeah, you are correct that the sun angle is rising. that might make a difference sometime in late Feb