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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. i wouldn't get a shovel out for anything, period. why bother
  2. if inside I95/128 gets >12", I will allow you to impregnate me. which, since I am a man, is just as likely to happen as anything you stated in your post.
  3. re: bolded text: since when is being unhealthy immoral? who came up with that "fact"?
  4. mow #1 in the books. really just a cleanup mow. dustiest ever. It’s really dry out there
  5. there are literally dozens. This technology was ready to roll with SARS, and even swine flu. but since those snuffed themselves out, there was no need for the vaccine.
  6. Ticks are out in full force. Have had 3 crawling on me in the last 2 days. Nuke the little fockers when you can. I’ll be spreading poison tomorrow.
  7. you got a link for that? i have heard that some have had worse side effects, but i wouldn't call that a problem.
  8. sorry, but the 26,280 hour GFS says that it’s going to be 50, cloudy with drizzle.
  9. a good friend of my family, guy around 50 years old spent 65 days in the hospital, a majority of which was in ICU, with covid. he was on a ventilator for over a month. i don't know how many times doctors told his wife that he wasn't going to make it through the night. Dozens of times. he had no other underlying health issues. who knows what the long term impacts will be on his heart and lungs, but it can't be good. Personally there is no way on this earth that I would risk being in that position. yes, I am firmly on the vaccine train. the mRNA technology has been around for 20+ years, and yes it has been tested. there is some real good info in this article for those who care to read about the facts. Edit: to find this article, did a google search for "how long has mRNA technology been around". it was the very first article. If people are interested in learning about stuff like this, the info is out there. you just have to actually read it.
  10. that plus in the tweet he said "last year there wasn't any drier than average conditions in the northeast". i thought we were in some kind of drought last year? or is he trying to say last year at this time?
  11. 8 out of 1.2 million were hospitalized. let me put it this way, there are a lot of zero's after the decimal point of the percentage. it's less than 1/100th of a percent. so the vaccine that those people got was 99.99% effective at preventing hospitalizations. i think that's pretty good, but I am no expert.
  12. 100 out of 1.2 million who were fully vaccinated in Washington. That’s 0.1% I like how you left that part of the article out of your snippet
  13. they posted on their FB page that they are having technical difficulties, seems to be multiple WFOs
  14. i got Pfizer #1 on saturday. not a single side effect for me.
  15. who didn’t! oh wait, we might be talking about different things.
  16. if i remember right, you moved in over the summer last year? i think you may have missed black fly season up there. it's usually April down here, so i suspect you will start seeing them mid-April into late may. The hornets were looking for a nice place to build a home in the eaves of your house. they love the sunny warm sides. it's hard to keep them away, you just have to keep them from building a nest.
  17. i know, it is pretty dumb how some people like to have a nice looking lawn and yard.
  18. 25 this AM to a torchy 68 degrees. nice 43 degree swing. It was a glorious day.
  19. yeah I saw that. I only hope/pray that it was quick for him. sounds awful, but I can’t imagine being trapped in a car like that.
  20. shit sorry to hear that. I was just reading about that accident in Londonderry. horrific.
  21. personal decision, I completely agree. I hope you don't think i was shaming you, that was not my intention at all. was just offering my opinion.
  22. right, but why risk it? there is very little risk in getting th e vaccine, but the risk of the severe 'vid symptoms is much higher. In my opinion of course
  23. a friend of my family (50 years old) got the 'vid. he was in ICU, on a ventilator, etc. Was in the hospital for over 2 months, plus 2 weeks of rehab. it was touch and go, and for a while, the docs were not very confident that he would even survive. They were preparing his wife/family for the worst. I'd take a 24-48 hour fever and a missed day or 2 of work from vaccine side effects in a cocaine heartbeat over catching the 'vid.
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