a good friend of my family, guy around 50 years old spent 65 days in the hospital, a majority of which was in ICU, with covid. he was on a ventilator for over a month. i don't know how many times doctors told his wife that he wasn't going to make it through the night. Dozens of times. he had no other underlying health issues. who knows what the long term impacts will be on his heart and lungs, but it can't be good.
Personally there is no way on this earth that I would risk being in that position. yes, I am firmly on the vaccine train. the mRNA technology has been around for 20+ years, and yes it has been tested. there is some real good info in this article for those who care to read about the facts.
Edit: to find this article, did a google search for "how long has mRNA technology been around". it was the very first article. If people are interested in learning about stuff like this, the info is out there. you just have to actually read it.