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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. i took a walk out in my back 40 yesterday, and there is some major water ponding going on. I imagine some of it has to do with the ground being frozen, but there is still a ton of water. my first thought was, if that Stein guy mentions anything about it being abnormally dry, or mentions the word drought, I am going to report his twitter post lol. because it is complete BS, at least up my way
  2. of course i got my delivery yesterday, 83 gallons $5.29 per
  3. yeah but what about ACTATT? are you sure NCT (>900ft ASL) won't be the jackpot?
  4. you'd be wasting your time. the purpose of slicing is to get the seed in good contact with the soil. Do it all at the same time-same day you would also be wasting your time doing all that in March. Wait until soil temps are >50, which usually doesn't happen until April
  5. no offense intended, but why get cute with a map? just say a general 1-3", with a couple 4" spots. but then again, if you did that you wouldn't be drawing a dong.
  6. i can't wait to read what Ray 40/70 thinks about this.
  7. He was already out there trimming those grass blades with scissors. Lesco going down in the rain tomorrow. lawn thread fired up tomorrow night.
  8. not Vermont, but Pats Peak in Nh is a solid place for kids to learn, and you won’t break the bank there. only trouble is that it’s not a resort-type setting
  9. can confirm. just had an absolute white out roll through Lopstick. Vis was maybe 75-100 ft
  10. what’s that building right there? Is that where you hide the bodies?
  11. lol @ BOS above avg. I’m at ~60% about 50 miles north
  12. what a shit winter. sitting at <50% of my seasonal average. have had 5" of snow this month, with 2 major torches. Just end it already, i have no use for that 8" coming friday. Supposed to go snowmobiling next week up in pittsburg, even that's not looking great.
  13. i like that pink sucker hole right over @dendrite's chickens
  14. if you have any kind of slope on your driveway, throw a couple extra weights on the back. that blower up front is pretty heavy. my chains chew up my driveway nicely when the rear tires slip, which happens frequently-I only have 2 weights, and the dealer doesn't have any more in stock-backordrered.
  15. why the hell is savannah, Ga even on that list? they can’t get accumulating snow more than what, once a decade or 2?
  16. drop the skis in the ruts, and just let the slot car track take you whereever you want to go-or at least wherever the previous guy went
  17. yeah that’s not even remotely true up here.
  18. i heard a couple motorcycles fly by on the highway outside my office today. probably relatively dangerous wiht all the sand on the road
  19. can confirm. i would almost call it "hot" in the sun.
  20. I think I would murder a family member that named a child Visa or Dollar.
  21. that buffalo farm is super cool. I don't know how many acres they own, but that fence line seems to go on forever. what a great area, although the low areas around Errol sometimes have a lot less snow than other areas You have more snow now than you had last year at this time? I'm down 16" over last year right now
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