Day 11 is Feb 2. Feb 2 is the second day of the month. In no world is Feb 2 "well into February", not to mention the fact that on Feb 2 there are no "sun angle/season issues".
but you know this already. i should know better than to respond to one of your many troll posts
totally agree, it was a shit forecast. I hit 42 here today but the ground is still hard as a rock. I have some very impressive frost heaves throughout my trails out back, and still have snow cover in the shady spots from last week
basically just told him that there was no way it was going to be -20. Told him lows would be either side of 0.
dude was in the middle of a $$$$$$$ replacing my furnace so I didn’t want to distract him too much
HVAC guy at my house last week was trying to tell me that it was going to be -20 up here this week. he was looking at a map one of the clown Mets posted on twatter. It was an upper air map of 850 temps. talk about misleading
i went to Smuggs a couple times back in the late 80's. i could have sworn you could ski over to the Stowe side and catch the Stowe lift back up, but my memory could be cloudy from tons of bong hits in those days. Some epic college trips. it was like $250 per person for 5 nights (shared condo) and 4 lift tix