lol INTENSE drought. what a joke. was it dry? sure it was. but drought? that's just silly talk. the word drought ought to be banned from this subforum.
honest question for all of you: what were the impacts from this alleged drought that you experienced?
I love when you get done cleaning up and the lawn looks all green and awesome. then you look out the window an hour later and there are leaves all over the place again. can't I just get 1 day of enjoyment looking at the clean lawn?
one of my oaks dropped about 3/4 of its leaves yesterday. accumulations 3-4", lollies to 6". disaster
last weekend I filled the tank on my leaf blower, and it was empty within an hour. full throttle FTL
yeah i got 'em too. they suck. i wish they would fall all at once like most maples, instead of taking 4 weeks. And even then, stragglers left on the tree until spring. there is nothing worse than seeing brown oak leaves on top of fresh snow.
to be fair, the posters in this thread worried about it are from outside of NE. it's really too bad that there isn't a winter conjecture thread in the NY/NJ forum where they could post their thoughts.
i had 28 "events" between 12/1 and 4/4 that winter, only 2 of them (10" and 12") were > 8". with 116" total. not sure what my max depth was, but i don't think it was anything special.