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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. I was told 2-3”. < 1” so far
  2. https://www.americanwx.com/bb/forum/13-southeastern-states/
  3. the only thing severe about it is how boring it is going to be. severely boring
  4. DIT is going to cry like the Indian dude in the littering commercial from the 70's when he sees this pic
  5. 1.4” here and counting will be more like 2-3 hours. Dude is a broken record
  6. I'm seeing 2"+ of rain at my location Sun-Tues. WTF is he looking at to say lighter, not heavier???
  7. currently 46 and cloudy at noontime. feels juuuuuuuust like summer.
  8. all I can say is, based on what I have heard form people that i know who have had shingles-get the vaccine. a day or 2 of side-effects beats the hell out of shingles, which can be the gift that keeps on giving. and you can get shingles multiple times (although it is rare).
  9. i never had chix pox, and got the c-pox vaccine 10 or so years ago. and my doctor strongly recommended that I get the shingles vaccine, specifically Shingrix
  10. so those who have installed, do you uninstall? More 90’s ain’t walking through that door anytime soon
  11. it was 72 at 11pm last night-and 75 in my house. I will admit to the AC installers that it was uncomfortable sleeping last night, and will be tonight. but i made it through the night with just the window fan and ceiling fan. Install date still TBD
  12. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ the break even point is years beyond when i plan on selling my house. Or more likely I'll be dead before i break even
  13. lol forsythias have not even bloomed up here
  14. he is in New Jersey. no one in NE is installing, except you. an 80 degree day here or there does not prompt many to install, exspecially in April. Installation for me won't be before mid-May unless the temps are consistently hot before then, which is unlikely here in upper SNE/lower NNE
  15. 36 off a mid nite high of 45. just a lovely spring evening out there
  16. 20 FOOT base depth. some years we are lucky to have a 20" base depth around these parts.
  17. i was right at average this year (~72") over the last 5 years I averaged 61", which is ~85% of normal.
  18. C. I put a lot of weight on the pack. The pack sucked for most of the year. We had a great March, but March snows don’t help with the pack
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