0.02" so far today. mushrooms in the lawn are wilting, the sand that washed out from culverts over the summer is almost dry. pretty soon I will be asking @Lava Rock and @TauntonBlizzard2013for lawn tips
was at an outdoor wedding yesterday. nice day and all, but I was sweating for 5 hours straight.
only 1/2” rain so far this month, which is right on cue as I overseeded the lawn last weekend.
i am aerating and overseeding my lawn this weekend. I can pretty much guarantee a couple weeks of starting on Monday.
It never fails. it can rain all summer long, but the second i put down any amount of grass seed, it doesn't rain for a month.
so when will you admit the bust? Scooter admitted it a week or 2 ago.
you know, when you said hot and Dewey from 8/12 through the end of September.
or more recently when you called for 2-4” of rain region wide this past Friday.