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Everything posted by SJonesWX

  1. up north in Pittsburg NH snowmobiling for the week. Went from -14 Monday morning to 38 and rain today. Went for a 50 mile ride this morning and got soaked. bailed and started drinking early, and now leaving tomorrow, a day early. Trails are absolutely taking a beating. elevations have over 4 feet of snow and will survive, but down low, forget about it and we’re onto spring.
  2. had lunch there yesterday, no pics, sorry got up to Pittsburg yesterday afternoon but haven’t been out yet. the number of trucks/ trailers heading south was insane. Trails always suck in NH on the school vacation weeks, especially on the weekends, which is why I am here all week. and it’s fucking -14 this morning
  3. I think he was at the Brokeback Strap
  4. i highly doubt that. I know that you are in the banana belt of SE NH, but I don't see how the ground could be completely thawed after a couple warmish days. I could buy they top 2-3" being thawed, but not completely.
  5. @CoastalWx rejoices and can't wait for pics
  6. same for me. last trip up north coming up, returning on 3/9. after that, we are on to yard work (after the melt)
  7. Buck Rub is probbly the only decent lunch/dinner on-trail stop up there. it does get pretty busy, and trails right around it are usually beat to shit. I am heading up there next week for the week
  8. my first sled was a '96 Ski Doo grand touring, which was awesome as it was my first, but after a 100 mile ride on ungroomed trails one day, I was ready to light it on fire. once I saw the new REV, I sold the GT, and bought a new '04 Rev ($4k), which was an unreal sled. I think @dryslot had one around that year. next I bought an '11 Renegade ($7k), which was miles ahead of the '04. wrecked that one against a tree in a slow-speed crash that took out the right a-arm and bent the tunnel. now I have a '19 Enduro ($12k), which is the nuts. but I still can't believe the prices now. I have less than 2k miles on it, so I just might have it forever.
  9. this is a fact. i hooked up with some buddies on Saturday and did a nice 115 mile ride. it has been 3 years since i have been able to do that, and it was a ton of fun. early winter I was having thoughts about selling my sled. now that I have been out a few times, I changed my mind
  10. I've wandered in there a few times over the years. what a cesspool with a whole lot of hate being thrown around
  11. i think your definition of "somewhat OT" is different than mine. you know that there is a banter thread, right?
  12. pack almost knee deep here. Measured 19” in an area somewhat protected from the hurricane force winds.
  13. it's been an impressive stretch for us since 1/11. No thaws, so the pack has remained since that date, and been deepening steadily since 1/29. I need to get out and measure my depth later today, but it's got to be at least 18".
  14. not much in the way of wind here, although there are some dead oak and beech leaves blowing around. sorry, but no here
  15. calling it 8" here (4" snow/2" sleet/2" snow). nearly impossible to get a real accurate measurement
  16. I went out to do an initial driveway clearing must have been right after it flipped. Poundtown, as the kids say.
  17. Well that was quite the flip. picked up 2” in the last hour, and still going
  18. What did you get for snow/sleet, and did you flip to zr or plain rain? been 90% sleet here since 8am or so, never got zr
  19. Max temp here was 27, down to 24 now.
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