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Sey-Mour Snow

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Everything posted by Sey-Mour Snow

  1. Definite nod to euro.. that was much less amped slower and east … gfs and AIFS are almost carbon copies now ..
  2. It's all about the banding and snow growth zone depth .. surface temps don't matter when the surface is already very cold and melting isn't an issue.. It's been very cold lately that will mitigate the warm temps at the start too ...
  3. Definitely .. Would like to see RGEM tick east now .. Side note the timing differences are wild, for here some start as early as 11am-1pm .. some as late as 2-4pm.. Huge difference in terms of all the kids sports around here a lot of tournaments and games that might try to hold off on cancelling til last second..
  4. you could easily see 8-12" of snow in your area... No consensus yet.. 2-4" with the warmest solutions.. 3-6" with the drier solutions.. 8-12" if you blend the gfs euro and rgem .. we will hopefully get consensus tonight.. might just be a nowcast..
  5. Happy to see the NAMs east and weaker .. lol 24-30 hours out and we still have 3 solutions.. blend is best for all.. Euro will be at least a 65% cave when set and done it seems which is rare
  6. Ya I’m skeptical of it being that far west, GEFS going west has me a bit shook, I hope we messenger east .. just get us around 6” and the cold after and I’m happy, will suck to see an 8-16” band in the berkshires but oh well
  7. Final confirmation of a massive cave unfolding by euro .. hope Rgem and gfs go east at 12z for the sake of this forum.. off to the gym
  8. All hail Reggie ggem and gfs , looks like a 100% euro cave is coming wow… euro steadily amping and going west each run til go time seems probable - current trends aren’t good SE of 84
  9. Looks exactly the same .. noise NW bump and a tic beefier meh .: it’s actually SE of the 12z surface low placement .. better NW banding signal that’s about it.. 70% euro 30% gfs with ratios in NW band is still my gut.. would yield 4-8”+ for many. Goodnight
  10. Which is great for many.. Going to need more than that noise to get to the euro and the “only advisory snows” .. interesting battle
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