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Sey-Mour Snow

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About Sey-Mour Snow

  • Birthday 08/20/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Seymour/Oxford Ct 600'

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  1. MJO had close to 3 too in the Heat Island in NY
  2. Ya 1.4” storm total here grass almost completely covered which is nice for hopes for a white Christmas.
  3. ? lol quite the opposite, yes its the 10-15 day, but it beats the alternative of actually looking like turd.
  4. Yes, GFS still most bullish for us a solid 1-2" , euro got more bullish but for CNE, Canadian is dry..
  5. So close, but I can't complain, a festive few to several hours with a solid inch probably when it tapers off..
  6. Went a coating to 2" .. Your area most likely for 2" .. Maybe 3" along highest hills on Rhode Island border
  7. Looks like HRRR has the right idea over here.. Should see varying intensity of snow after this initial great band, tapering off after 4pm from west to East across CT. Closer to midnight and beyond for Eastern New England
  8. Wild here , didn’t expect this. 29.4 roads white
  9. What a weenie band here.. not very wide but there’s some borderline heavy snow in it.
  10. Steady snow low vis starting to whiten roads. 30.3
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