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Everything posted by wxsniss

  1. R/S advance slowed inside 128 BombsAway‘s Google Map trick is pretty accurate:
  2. Thanks Dendrite I'm assuming all snow parallels somewhere NW of that line (i.e. melting producing rain/mix is occurring below 1500ft, and that sub-1500 ft warm layer is further northwest than the bright band). Matches with that report of mixing in Framingham... did not think we'd breach well into 495 by 18z. Areas between 495 and 128 look to rock in a few hours.
  3. Just catching up (ironically we lost power before the storm courtesy of Eversource, now back)... Friends in Tyngsboro reported 100% snow at 11:30am No question we are ahead of changeover schedule in many places How accurate is dual-pol here? That seems too good to be true / maybe it pivots further northwest before it collapses eastward?
  4. 13z HRRR continues to clobber all the way to coast eastern SNE
  5. 6z NAM actually a tic west and warmer than 0z, also maybe a hair faster exit... better for NNE folks, not as good for eastern SNE Still would support a sloppy 2-4" to Boston metro Spots of 20+ in NH, ME
  6. Let's revisit 7pm tomorrow to see if the changeover has not happened in Boston metro. Haven't seen anyone here tonight say they are expecting the 10:1 snow maps. Likewise, surely you're not claiming the SV maps you posted with 2-4" in ORH is likely.
  7. Agree, the literal clown maps aren't happening with this antecedent airmass (unless of course this continues to trend east / slower exit). But I'm increasingly confident in 3-6" for Boston metro. Was also thinking earlier about Ray's map that northeast MA could be underdone if exit is prolonged.
  8. Also the dryslot issues 18z-0z seen on earlier runs are gone... 18z and 0z shown here:
  9. One reason for bigger totals in eastern SNE is slower exit
  10. Crushing into BOS metro on 0z Euro Jerry will like this at his next pee stop
  11. Oh absolutely, if we're talking a stretch of weather... Feb 15 no comparison, probably not again in our lifetime. But for a single storm... Feb 15 blizzard is up there, but still did not match the sheer extreme conditions I witnessed Apr 97 and Jan 05
  12. Yeah there are several in contention for #3 including Feb 14-15 2015, Mar 13 2018 But I have footage from Jan 05 that I have never witnessed since... near hurricane force winds hard to stay upright + whiteout in Fenway and Harvard Square, single digit temps... it was unreal. I only wish I had footage from April 97... the awe of an earlier changeover in the afternoon, hours of thundersnow at night.
  13. That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while here... might even make non-weatherbuffs laugh
  14. ...and downstream track ticked southeast. Not sure if any merit until more supporting evidence. EDIT: scratch that, nearly identical location by 21z Sat
  15. 4z RAP vs. 0z NAM continues with less stream interaction comparing at Sat 6z timepoint
  16. 3z HRRR SLP track looks a good bit south of 0z NAM track, probably part of why the changeover happens hours earlier in Boston metro
  17. Fwiw: 3z RAP vs. 0z NAM for Sat 3z-6z Timepoints: RAP has less H5 N/S stream interaction than NAM
  18. That's a very good map regionwide, and agree with 1-3/3-6 straddling Boston metro
  19. It's pretty close overall... within range of noise Might also be a tic slower
  20. 0z NAM thru 21 hours... colder profiles for eastern SNE interests, definite tic east
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