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Posts posted by wxsniss

  1. 7 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Man that map and the placement of the cities and those range values. Woof.

    Not one of our higher-stakes nail-biting KU's, but kind of nice to have a relatively stress-free leadup for a change.

    And (I added above): eastern zones may see an addition 1-2" after 7pm

    Also as Tip just posted: arguably worse impact of IP/ZR and freezeover in southern zones

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  2. 6 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    BOX go out for happy hour?

    Was wondering same, but just saw this AFD update:

    340pm update...
    still doing "nowcasting" of the band of snow showers. It does
    appear it is weakening as it`s now getting into the CT River
    Valley, but that could be an artifact of radar coverage since
    our radar beams are highest above the ground in that part of the
    area - so we don`t have good sampling of the lowest few thousand
    feet where all the action is.  Still locally brief heavy snow
    producing low visibilities for a few minutes and that is
    expected to be the case for the next hour or so as it moves
    east. Latest HRRR still shows the band stays together at it
    reaches the coast, so we can`t totally write it off at this
    point. Just might not be strong enough to warrant Snow Squall
    Warnings, but still will produce some briefly difficult driving
  3. Awesome storm

    The Memento tattoos (add any thoughts, correct if wrong): trust nothing more than Euro and within-24hr-NAM. RGEM was terrible.

    I thought winds were somewhat underwhelming, peak seemed around 18z... perhaps reflecting the extreme tilt of the system with the surface low so far east.  And that peak deepening was in morning hours. Nowhere close to Jan 2005 for Boston area which was virtually a white hurricane, dynamics unmatched since imo.

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