33 here all evening. NWS Tulsa trying to stay up with this system I guess for NW Arkansas. Went from a 20 % chance of rain tomorrow night from their afternoon package to now a 70% chance of ice and snow tomorrow night. All models putting out some good bands of Qpf in this area tomorrow night. I'm just taking the wait and see approach with this one.
Yah it's just warm now, relatively speaking. I was in Michigan for the holidays, hoping to see snow. Bare ground everywhere in lower part of the state. Crazy. I think we're headed for another clunker. Weather has changed, man.
Somebody throw me a bone here. Euro weeklies, SST warming, anything positive for stormy and cold. I'm getting a negative feeling about the rest of winter. Been hearing a lot of talk about a good rest of the winter but shades of the past 3 winters keep popping up in my mind. Rightfully so I do believe.
Larry Cosgrove had a nice long-range write-up last Saturday. Worth the read if you haven't yet.