You, Whiteout, and myself are working on 6 years without a 4+ inch storm. Really incredible when u think about it. I'm about to the position we may be years away from seeing a big one. Maybe a freak March storm??
One thing this country is missing.. common sense lol. Yah we had about a 20 min flurry of bigger flakes here. Nothing sticking, though. Another bust here.
I've always thought Tulsa was worse, after living in both regions and following the weather for many yrs now. Tulsa issued a warning for Benton Co AR at 930 this morning, knowing the dominant precip type was mostly rain and sleet. SMDH.
Damn straight I miss Missouri weather dude. This is a dung pile for weather here. No big snow 5 yrs and counting. I have a feeling spring is coming early, too. Chances are running out on us again.
All models agree on a good precip shield for the entire area, so it's all about upper air and boundary temps at this point. If the past is an indicator we'll see warmer temp forecasts as we get closer in. 850 temps, surface, etc.