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About Wonkis

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Cranston, RI

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  1. Four confirmed tornadoes, and a possible fifth in Scotland, CT still unclear https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=box&issuedby=BOX&product=PNS Johnston–Scituate–N. Providence EF-2 N. Attleborough–Mansfield EF-1 Stoughton EF-0 Weymouth EF-1 scotland, CT still investigating
  2. It's seems like the 2nd round/cold front in these setups always underperforms compared to the AM warm front.
  3. 41F. Moderate rain. Cranston, RI. The spring peepers were out yesterday.
  4. There's a great paper "Seabirds Perched on Big-Box Stores Prior to East Coast Storms." 2017? I'll dig up the link, but the premise is you can approximate the QPF by multiplying the number of perched birds x .04
  5. Here for the RI geography throwdown. —oh yeah, and the 4 inches of snow. The only RI map you need in winter:
  6. Not a huge impact away from the coast. Looks like southern RI got roughed up a bit. 1.24" total rain A couple of hours of 25-35 mph sustained winds max gusts in upper 40s breezy with some drizzle rn
  7. Maybe they're waiting to invest in the evolution of grid tech—microgrids or whatever's next.
  8. Sounds like a solid rating system. Have there been any Snowy Owls in Sachuest this year? Snow just started here.
  9. Yeah, that 3" of cement has pretty much melted here too.
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