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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. The looney bin is gonna be rocking today when the 12z EURO shows a warm cutter! 6z GFS already says nope to anyone getting a storm period.
  2. Anyone interested in doing a snowfall total contest with whatever upcoming storms we may have the rest of winter? Winner can get a gift card to Golden Corral or something. Cities could include: Martinsville VA (you're welcome ) Boone Hickory Raleigh Greensboro Charlotte GSP Some city in NE GA Any other important cities to the SE crew?
  3. Yep...the ol' post count is low this evening...
  4. Leading the way on consistency, maybe, but not on results!
  5. Got that right. Every model and ensemble run the next 24 hours will be met with a queasy stomach... It'll move N and I'll jackpot. jk Gut-wrenching...
  6. Yes! I loved having him over here. He is truly brilliant. And I love his winter analysis the most, because he's more interested in the TROPICAL side of weather, so he doesn't really have his feelings wrapped up in winter weather.
  7. Where does he hide out these days anyway? I follow him on twitter. Dude is money. Is he on another board? (This is the only board I'm on so I don't know what else goes on in the online wx world aside from twitter)
  8. It has actually been verifying better at 500mb than the regular GFS.
  9. Christ. Don't look at the 18z Para...just...don't. lol
  10. I think it'll correct itself, but how fitting would it be for us to go to torch-mania '16 to suppression city '17 and just get stuck in the middle still with no snow to show for it?
  11. I couldn't let you go, buddy. There's room on this floating door for for both of us. Quick, somebody Celine-A-Scene this!
  12. I'm just saying...The Sanitarium is the hottest thread on the board right now!
  13. Don't do it to us like that, you orange peeler!
  14. It's ok. The 18z will bring everyone back to the edge, No way we get an -EPO that strong as 12z showed lol.
  15. Nah, FEB is gonna torch. I'll be playing golf in the 60s by Valentine's Day! shetley and Carrolton said so!
  16. The nuthouse is taking off! I knew it would. A fun thread to turn our manic weather depression into a bit of light-hearted back and forth. CFS looking good as we said it would last week! Also as of today, the reds and browns are returning to its JAN temp probability forecast.
  17. One of the biggest -NAO's we've seen modeled in YEARS.........and it CONNECTS to the SE/Atlantic ridge to shove the torch right up our hind parts. Oh, the depressing IRONY.
  18. Not in this lifetime. Just wait, second half of JAN is gonna be LIT!
  19. Here's the head doctor of the SE Sanitarium himself! I tried telling those guys in the mountain thread last week they were gonna get some NW flow but they ran me out.
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