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Everything posted by Hailstoned

  1. Peepers in full throat tonight, a good 2-3 weeks early.
  2. Totally agree, though like the great "stream of consciousness" author, Thomas Wolfe, Tip could use a good editor!
  3. Right around the time of the new moon-- a favorable omen.
  4. Confused. Heard rumors Davis is gay. (Or, he don't no how too spell)
  5. 1) Blizzard of 78 2) Monson, etc. tornado, 2011 3) Hurricane Carol 4) February 9, 1969-- the so called "Lindsey Storm" Boston style with 2 feet of wet snow/thunder snow on 50 mph gust gales 5) January 8, 1968; Living atop a high hill in S.W. N.H.: A high temperature of -8 with 60 MPH wind gusts. Plumes of snow flying from exposed places on Mount Monadnock, 8 miles to the south. Walked out into a field just to feel what -70 wind chill feels like. Not recommended. 6) December 12, 1960 blizzard, early start to a story book winter; the storm that sparked a life long wiener roast.
  6. I've got a battery that drives an electric chain saw-- am equally impressed and will never use a gas powered one again-- and also powers any other small size yard equipment made by that company. In addition, I've been using an electric powered rider mower that runs on conventional car batteries, and has plenty of charge to handle in one mowing, a couple of acres of lawn on varied terrain.
  7. Hurricane forecasting: Cone of Probability. "Stable Genius" as weatherman: Conehead of Improbability.
  8. Got the suck-model, come-on blues. NAM, HRR, all the rest, dressed up like tarts in Canal Street display windows-- all for 2 inches of cheap thrills.... Suckered. Never again...
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