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Everything posted by Hailstoned

  1. I'm old enough to remember dystopia. Dystopia is being a kid with polio trapped in an iron lung for the rest of his life. All the so called libertarians of today (living in Mama's basement) would be first in line for the Salk vaccine back in the day-- and probably be pushing and shoving for first dibs at mumps and measles vaccines, too. Our relatively disease free lives, up until covid, have loosed a lot of brave poseurs with contempt for masks and other measures that, inconvenient as they are, do promote the common good. But common sense has gone the way of the passenger pigeon.
  2. The summer of 1957 was very dry, too. From the "feast" of summer, 55 (Connie and Diane) to the severe drought famine in the summer of 57.
  3. You sound a bit like the patent office commissioner, in 1899 who was reportedly prepared to shut it down because "everything that can be invented has been invented."
  4. As a seeker of damage, damage you shall find.
  5. I continue to receive the same $120/month through SREC trades as I have from the start. Perhaps those new to solar credits are getting a less advantageous deal?
  6. Q told me you shouldn't downplay the possibility of cannibalism either.
  7. I get $120/month in SREC credits through National Grid and have for the past 3 years since going solar. Helps offset the price of the system.
  8. Probably wood frogs-- sound like quacking ducks.
  9. 1977 also featured a notorious equinox storm with feet of snow well inland, a rain swept gale elsewhere.
  10. perhaps "Dawn Awakening-- Snooze Delay" to mitigate the alarming Jekyll-Hyde behavior.
  11. I'll bet if certain "prognosticators" on here were to add up their predicted snow totals over the course of a mere two winter seasons, it would translate to a thousand feet of glacier over our heads (even more over the Cape).
  12. I'm guessing because the wind has had a more northerly component allowing for better snow dynamics than the long easterly subsistence fetch that had been forecasted.
  13. The Bigly-Weiners on here did their best to harass him out of it, but he was right. Big lesson in the importance of objectivity ruling over hype.
  14. Media sucks the sap out of the sap-sucker public because it works. Mark Twain had it right-- people are endlessly gullible. That gullibility is easier to manipulate than ever due to crowded 24/7 content from endless outlets of sensationalism (equals revenue streams). So we have the magic of Kuchie-Kuchie in all its eye candy forms-- in the blink of an eye a pizza palace turns into a place of child abduction. Of course it's just a pizza place... However, do not discount the specialness 12-18+ inch storm apparently on our doorsteps. Having lived through many a snow drought in a long lifetime of weeniedom, these are rather rare and splendid creatures and should be savored. As for media, there are plenty of responsible outlets, sources of reliable information. People simply have to take the time and trouble to seek them out-- also to sift content from a variety of sources/perspectives. Few are willing.
  15. White pines bent down with their cone crops.
  16. He demonstrates all the signposts of a MAGA troll, or perhaps a creepy-crawly comrade based in St. Petersburg.
  17. A poem that in another way expresses Tip's sentiments here: The Predestination of Clouds The tropics paid a visit to this northern domain of Calvin and rain, shook loose from grey tarpaulin sky, fell all at once on pudding stone and white pine. Then like a laugh in the midst of a good cry the sun would steam, and turn off again. At times there'd be breaks where suspended in Barbados blue, pillars billowed; rose in white flight from dusky hue, as if Calvin's elect on the high road to heaven. Erect and proud in their pews in the sky they stood pearly, assured of no dross of common sin. But the higher they rose the harder their wet hearts beat back to earth as the grey ranks closed again.
  18. None where I was in downtown Monson at Memorial Field. But a wind-whipped washing machine of a storm with some small branches down. Unfortunately, nada on the other side of town where I live-- less than an inch here after all these days of opportunity.
  19. Yes-- hired one and she flagged a number of spots as choices to dig a well. Picked one and the well digger dug-- great water and abundant too.. Which is not to say that random digging would not have produced same. (She also told us the water would be found a lot deeper than it was-- a pleasant surprise.)
  20. Sky spitting pale peas, Monson, MA. No thunder, though.
  21. Over to drizzly pablum here, Monson, MA. Perhaps and inch and a half before it started to slump
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